tsar 英 [zɑː;tsɑː]   美 [zɑr]


tsar  英 [zɑː;tsɑː] 美 [zɑr]

n. 沙皇(大权独揽的人物) 


General Motors and Chrysler will be forced into bankruptcy early next year if they do not present a government-appointed "car tsar" with viable restructuring plans, the White House warned today. 白宫今天警告道:如果通用汽车和克莱斯勒未能给在政府指派的“汽车沙皇”提供一系列的重组计划的话,他们在明年早些时候将会破产。
tsar Alexander III was on the train into Nice shortly after the line opened in the 1860s. Napoleon III of France followed. 在这条铁路开通后不久的1860年代,沙皇亚历山大三世乘火车到了尼斯,后面紧跟着法国的拿破仑三世。

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  • n. 沙皇(大权独揽的人物)
  • 1. General Motors and Chrysler will be forced into bankruptcy early next year if they do not present a government-appointed "car tsar" with viable restructuring plans, the White House warned today.


  • 2. tsar Alexander III was on the train into Nice shortly after the line opened in the 1860s. Napoleon III of France followed.


  • 3. Charles quickly disposed of Denmark and turned his attention towards tsar Peter and his ally Augustus, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland.


  • tsar (n.) 1660s, the more correct Latinization of Russian czar, from prehistoric Slavic *tsesar, from a Germanic source, ultimately from Latin Caesar. See czar. Related: Tsardom; tsarevich; tsarina; tsarevna.
tsar ( also tzar , czar ) / zɑː(r) ; NAmE zɑːr / noun 1 the title of the emperorof Russia in the past 沙皇(旧时俄国皇帝的称号) Tsar Nicholas II 沙皇尼古拉二世 2 ( in compounds 构成复合词 ) ( informal) an official whose job is to advise the government on policy in a particular area (在某领域向政府提供有关政策的建议的)政府顾问,政府高级官员 ( BrE) a drugs tsar 毒品问题顾问 ( NAmE) a drug tsar 毒品问题顾问 tsar tsars tsar / zɑː(r) ; NAmE zɑːr /
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