try 英 [traɪ]   美 [traɪ]


try  英 [traɪ] 美 [traɪ]

vt. 试图,尝试;  n. 尝试 

进行时:trying  过去式:tried  过去分词:tried  第三人称单数:tries  名词复数:tries 

try to fix the car 试着修车
He was tried for murder. 他因谋杀罪而受审。

  • Try describes putting effort into something, like when you try to draw a horse, or take a sample of something, like when you try a new flavor of ice cream.
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  • vt. 试图,尝试;
  • n. 尝试
  • 1. try to fix the car


  • 2. He was tried for murder.


  • 3. What are you trying to do?


  • 4. I'll give it a try.


  • 5. He said I could try it again.


  • 6. Why don't you have a try at convincing him?


  • 7. Have you tried this new coffee? It's very good.


try / traɪ ; NAmE traɪ / verb , noun try tries tried trying verb ( tries , try·ing , tried , tried ) 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to make an attempt or effort to do or get sth 试图;想要;设法;努力 I don't know if I can come but I'll try. 我不知道是否能来,但我尽可能来。 tryto do sth What are you trying to do? 你想要做什么? I tried hard not to laugh. 我强忍住不笑出来。 ~ your best/hardest (to do sth) She tried her best to solve the problem. 她尽了最大的努力解决这个问题。 Just try your hardest. 请尽力而为吧。 HELP  In spoken English trycan be used with andplus another verb, instead of with toand the infinitive. 英语口语中,try 可以和 and 加另一动词连用,而不和 to 及动词不定式连用 I'll try and get you a new one tomorrow. Try and finish quickly. In this structure, only the form trycan be used, not tries, tryingor tried. 在这一结构中,只能用 try 的形式,而不能用 tries、trying 或 tried。 2 [transitive ] to use, do or test sth in order to see if it is good, suitable, etc. 试;试用;试做;试验 trysth Have you tried this new coffee? It's very good. 你尝过这种新咖啡吗?好极啦。 ‘Would you like to try some raw fish?’ ‘Why not? I'll try anything once! “你想尝点儿生鱼片吗?”“好哇,我什么都想尝一点儿!” Have you ever tried windsurfing? 你玩过帆板运动吗? Trythese shoes for size—they should fit you. 试试这双鞋的大小,你穿应该合脚。 She tried the door, but it was locked. 她推了推那扇门,但门锁着。 trydoing sth John isn't here. Try phoning his home number. 约翰不在这儿。给他家里打电话试试看。 HELP  Notice the difference between try to do sthand try doing sth: You should try to eat more fruit. means ‘You should make an effort to eat more fruit.’; You should try eating more fruit. means ‘You should see if eating more fruit will help you’ (to feel better, for example). 注意 try to do sth 和 try doing sth 的区别:You should try to eat more fruit 意思是:你应该尽量多吃些水果;而 You should try eating more fruit 意思是:你应该试试多吃些水果(看看身体是不是会好些)。 3 [transitive ] to examine evidence in court and decide whether sb is innocent or guilty 审理;审讯;审判 trysb (for sth) He was tried for murder. 他因谋杀罪而受审。 trysth The case was tried before a jury. 此案是由陪审团参加审理的。 IDIOMS ˌnot for want/lack of ˈtrying used to say that although sb has not succeeded in sth, they have tried very hard 并非努力不够;已经尽力了 They haven't won a game yet, but it isn't for want of trying. 他们还没赢过一场比赛,但并不是由于拚劲不足。 try your ˈhand (at sth) to do sth such as an activity or a sport for the first time 初试身手 ˌtry it ˈon (with sb) ( BrE) ( informal, disapproving) 1 to behave badly towards sb or try to get sth from them, even though you know this will make them angry 对…粗野无礼;耍弄;向…行骗 Children often try it on with new teachers. 儿童经常设法戏弄新来的老师。 2 to try to start a sexual relationship with sb 试图与(某人)发生性关系 try your ˈluck (at sth) to do sth that involves risk or luck, hoping to succeed 碰运气 My grandparents emigrated to Canada to try their luck there. 我的祖父母移民到加拿大去碰碰运气。 try sb's ˈpatience to make sb feel impatient 使忍无可忍;使不耐烦 more at damnedest , level adj. , thing PHRASAL VERBS ˈtry for sth to make an attempt to get or win sth 试图获得;力争赢得 ˌtry sth↔ˈon to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits and how it looks 试穿(衣物) Try the shoes on before you buy them. 鞋子要先穿上试一试再买。 ˌtry ˈout for sth ( especially NAmE) to compete for a position or place in sth, or to be a member of a team 参加…选拔(或试演) She's trying out for the school play. 她正在参加学校戏剧演员甄选。 related noun tryout ˌtry sb/sth↔ˈout (on sb) to test or use sb/sth in order to see how good or effective they are 试用(某人);测试;试验 They're trying out a new presenter for the show. 他们正在为这个节目试用一名新的主持人。 related noun tryout noun ( plural tries ) 1 [usually singular ] an act of trying to do sth 尝试;试图;努力 SYN attempt I doubt they'll be able to help but it's worth a try (= worth asking them). 我不敢肯定他们能够帮得上忙,但不妨试一试。 try(at sth/at doing sth) Why don't you have a tryat convincing him? 为什么你不试试说服他? ( NAmE) The US negotiators decided to make another try atreaching a settlement. 美国的谈判者决定再作一番努力,力争达成和解。 I don't think I'll be any good at tennis, but I'll give it a try. 我不认为我有打网球的特长,但是我会试一试。 ( informal) ‘What's that behind you?’ ‘ Nice try (= at making me turn round),but you'll have to do better than that!’ “看你身后是什么?”“好个鬼花招,不过你耍的手法还不够高明!” 2 (in rugby 橄榄球 ) an act of scoring points by touching the ground behind your opponents' goal linewith the ball 在对方球门线后带球触地;持球触地得分 to score a try 带球触地得分 try / traɪ ; NAmE traɪ /
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