tricolor   美 ['traɪ,kʌlɚ]


tricolor  美 ['traɪ,kʌlɚ]

n. 三色旗  adj. 三色的;三色国旗的 


Huge crowds glimpsed the three coffins, draped in the emerging nation's tricolor flag and honored by its new anthem. 出殡那天人山人海,成殓他们的三口棺木上覆盖着新兴国家俄罗斯的三色国旗,新国歌在耳边奏响。
As I went for my morning cappuccino on the day of the anniversary, the only sign of festivity was a small tricolor attached to the wing mirror of a garbage truck. 而在国庆当天,我去咖啡馆喝卡普奇诺的路上,看到仅有的节日庆祝标志,就是插在一辆垃圾卡车后视镜上的一面小小的三色国旗。

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  • n. 三色旗
  • adj. 三色的;三色国旗的
  • 1. Huge crowds glimpsed the three coffins, draped in the emerging nation's tricolor flag and honored by its new anthem.


  • 2. As I went for my morning cappuccino on the day of the anniversary, the only sign of festivity was a small tricolor attached to the wing mirror of a garbage truck.


  • 3. Some standards are born of convenience: Indonesia's red and white flag was reputedly created when independence fighters tore the blue strip from the tricolor of their Dutch colonists.


  • tricolor (n.) also tricolour, 1798, "flag having three colors," especially the emblem of France adopted during the Revolution, from French tricolore, in drapeau tricolore "three-colored flag." The arrangement of colors on the modern French national flag dates from 1794.
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