- A town is an area where people live that's bigger than a village and smaller than a city. A town has a specific boundary, a name, and (usually) its own government.
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- n. 城镇,市镇;
1. They march on the next town.
2. These pipes carry water to the town.
3. Mountains back the town.
4. a university town
5. The whole town is talking about it.
6. Can you give me a lift into town?
- town (n.) Old English tun "enclosure, garden, field, yard; farm, manor; homestead, dwelling house, mansion;" later "group of houses, village, farm," from Proto-Germanic *tunaz, *tunan "fortified place" (source also of Old Saxon, Old Norse, Old Frisian tun "fence, hedge," Middle Dutch tuun "fence," Dutch tuin "garden," Old High German zun, German Zaun "fence, hedge"), an early borrowing from Celtic *dunon "hill, hill-fort" (source also of Old Irish dun, Welsh din "fortress, fortified place, camp," dinas "city," Gaulish-Latin -dunum in place names), from PIE *dhu-no- "enclosed, fortified place, hill-fort," from root *dheue- "to close, finish, come full circle" (see down (n.2)).
town ★ / taʊn ; NAmE taʊn / noun 1 ★ [countable , uncountable ] a place with many houses, shops/stores, etc. where people live and work. It is larger than a village but smaller than a city. 镇;市镇;集镇 ◆ a university town 大学城 ◆ They live in a rough part of town. 他们居住在一个社会秩序混乱的城区。 ◆ The nearest town is ten miles away. 最近的集镇离这里有十英里远。 ◆ We spent a month in the French town of Le Puy. 我们在一个叫勒皮的法国小镇里待了一个月。 ☞see also small-town HELP You will find other compounds ending in townat their place in the alphabet. 其他以 town 结尾的复合词可在各字母中的适当位置查到。 2 ★ the town [singular ] the people who live in a particular town (某一市镇的)居民,市民 ◆ The whole town is talking about it. 全镇的人都在议论这件事。 3 ★ [uncountable ] the area of a townwhere most of the shops/stores and businesses are (城镇的)商业区 ◆ Can you give me a lift into town? 我可以搭你的车到商业区去吗? ☞see also downtown , midtown , out-of-town , uptown 4 [uncountable ] ( especially NAmE) a particular townwhere sb lives and works or one that has just been referred to (生活、工作或刚提到的)城镇 ◆ I'll be in town next week if you want to meet. 如果你想见面的话,我下个星期在城里。 ◆ He married a girl from out of town. 他娶了一个外地姑娘。 ☞see also out-of-town 5 [singular , uncountable ] life in townsor cities as opposed to life in the country 城市生活(与乡村生活相对) ◆ Pollution is just one of the disadvantages of living in the town. 污染只是生活在城里的不利条件之一。 IDIOMS go to ˈtown (on sth) ( informal) to do sth with a lot of energy, enthusiasm, etc, especially by spending a lot of money (尤指花大钱)大干一番 (out) on the ˈtown ( informal) visiting restaurants, clubs, theatres, etc. for entertainment, especially at night (尤指夜里)去娱乐场所玩 ◆ a night on the town 去娱乐场所作乐的夜晚 ◆ How about going out on the town tonight? 今晚出去痛痛快快地玩一玩怎么样? ☞more at game n. , man n. , paint v. COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配 Town and country 城镇与乡村 Town 城镇 ■ live ina city/a town/an urban environment/(informal) a concrete jungle/the suburbs/shanty towns/slums 住在城里/镇上/城区/混凝土丛林/郊区/棚户区/贫民窟 ■ live( especially NAmE) downtown/in the downtown area/( BrE) in the city centre 住在市中心 ■ enjoy/likethe hectic pace of life/the hustle and bustle of city life 喜欢忙碌的生活节奏/城市生活的热闹 ■ cope withthe stress/pressure of urban life 应对城市生活的压力 ■ get caught up inthe rat race 卷入大城市里为财富、权力等的疯狂追逐中 ■ prefer/seekthe anonymity of life in a big city 更喜欢/追求大城市里人与人互不相识的生活 ■ be drawn by/resistthe lure of the big city 被大城市的诱惑所吸引;抵御大城市的诱惑 ■ head forthe bright lights (of the big city/New York) 奔向(大城市/纽约)五光十色的生活 ■ enjoy/lovethe vibrant/lively nightlife 享受/喜爱充满生机的夜生活 ■ have/be close toall the amenities 拥有/紧靠各种便利设施 ■ be surrounded bytowering skyscrapers/a soulless urban sprawl 被高耸入云的摩天大楼/毫无生气的城市拓展区所包围 ■ use/travel by/rely on( BrE) public transport/( NAmE) public transportation 使用/出行乘坐/依赖公共交通 ■ put up with/get stuck in/sit inmassive/huge/heavy/endless/constant traffic jams 忍受/陷入大面积/严重的/没完没了的/持续的交通堵塞 ■ tackle/ease/reduce/relieve/alleviatethe heavy/severe traffic congestion 处理/减缓严重的交通堵塞 ■ be affected/choked/damaged bypollution 受到污染的影响;被污染呛得透不过气;受到污染的伤害 Country 乡村 ■ livein a village/the countryside/an isolated area/a rural backwater/( informal) the sticks 住在村里/乡村/偏僻的地区/落后的乡村/偏远的乡村地区 ■ enjoy/likethe relaxed/slower pace of life 享受/喜欢悠闲/缓慢的生活节奏 ■ enjoy/love/explorethe great outdoors 享受/喜欢/探索蓝天碧野 ■ look for/find/get/enjoya little peace and quiet 寻找/找到/得到/享受一点宁静与安宁 ■ need/wantto get back/closer to nature 需要/想要回去/接近大自然 ■ be surrounded byopen/unspoilt/picturesque countryside 四周被空旷的/未被污染的/风景如画的乡村环绕 ■ escape/quit/get out of/leavethe rat race 逃离/退出城市中你死我活的竞争 ■ seek/achievea better/healthy work-life balance 寻求/达到工作与生活更好的/健康的平衡 ■ downshiftto a less stressful life 选择压力较小的生活 ■ seek/starta new life in the country 在乡村寻求/开始一种新的生活 ■ ( BrE, informal) up sticks/( NAmE, informal) pull up stakesand move to/head for… 突然迁居到… ■ create/build/fostera strong sense of community 树立/培养强烈的社群意识 ■ depend on/be employed in/work inagriculture 依赖/从事农业 ■ live off/farm/workthe land 靠土地为生;耕种土地 ■ tackle/addressthe problem of rural unemployment 解决农村失业问题 town towns town / taʊn ; NAmE taʊn /
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