topographic 英 [,tɒpə'ɡræfɪk]   美 [,tɑpə'græfɪk]


topographic  英 [,tɒpə'ɡræfɪk] 美 [,tɑpə'græfɪk]

adj. 地形测量的;地质的;地形学上的 


The divide is a topographic feature that separates Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean water drainages. 这条分水岭是一个分割太平洋和大西洋水流域的地形特征。
The consequence demonstrates that DEMs of different grid size should be adopted according as the hypsography when model parameters are confirmed by the topographic characteristics. 结果表明:根据下垫面特征值确定模型参数时,应根据地形高低起伏的不同而采用不同网格大小的DEM。

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  • adj. 地形测量的;地质的;地形学上的
  • 1. The divide is a topographic feature that separates Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean water drainages.


  • 2. The consequence demonstrates that DEMs of different grid size should be adopted according as the hypsography when model parameters are confirmed by the topographic characteristics.


  • 3. This astronaut photograph was taken at approximately 7:45 a.m. local time, when the Sun was still fairly low above the horizon, leading to shadowing to the west of topographic high points.


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