- Cooperative and surrounded by friends, together is never alone. Together is an adverb indicating when two or more people or things that are with each other — assembled in a group or united in goals.
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- adv. 一起;同时;
1. We grew up together.
2. They both spoke together.
3. I am together with you.
4. Mix the sand and cement together.
- together (adv.) Old English togædere "so as to be present in one place, in a group, in an accumulated mass," from to (see to) + gædere "together" (adv.), apparently a variant of the adverb geador "together," from Proto-Germanic *gaduri- "in a body," from PIE *ghedh- "to unite, join, fit" (see good, and compare gather).
to·gether ★ / təˈɡeðə(r) ; NAmE təˈɡeðər / adverb , adjective adverb ★ HELP For the special uses of togetherin phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example pull yourself togetheris in the phrasal verb section at pull. *together 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 pull yourself together 在词条 pull 的短语动词部份。 1 ★ with or near to sb/sth else; with each other 在一起;共同 ◆ We grew up together. 我们是在一块儿长大的。 ◆ Together they climbed the dark stairs. 他们一起登上黑洞洞的楼梯。 ◆ Get all the ingredients together before you start cooking. 把所有的材料放在一起再开始烹饪。 ◆ Stay close together—I don't want anyone to get lost. 紧紧靠在一起,我不想把谁给丢了。 2 ★ so that two or more things touch or are joined to or combined with each other 以使接触(或相结合);到一起 ◆ He rubbed his hands together in satisfaction. 他满意地擦搓着双手。 ◆ She nailed the two boards together. 她把两块木板钉在了一起。 ◆ Mix the sand and cement together. 把沙子和水泥混合在一起。 ◆ Taken together,these factors are highly significant. 这些因素综合起来看就很重要了。 ◆ He has moremoney than the rest ofus put together. 他的钱比我们所有人的加在一起还多。 3 ★ (of two people 两个人 ) in a close relationship, for example a marriage 关系密切;有婚姻关系 ◆ They split up after ten years together. 他们在一起生活了十年之后分手了。 4 ★ in or into agreement 一致;协调 ◆ After the meeting the two sides in the dispute were no closer together. 会面之后,争论的双方立场差距依然如故。 5 ★ at the same time 同时;一起;一齐 ◆ They both spoke together. 他们两人同时发言。 ◆ ( informal) All together now:‘Happy birthday to you…’ 现在大家一齐唱:“祝你生日快乐…” 6 for hours, days, etc. ~ ( formal) for hours, days, etc. without stopping 接连…地;连续…地;…不间断地 ◆ She sat for hours together just staring into space. 她连续几个小时坐在那里怔怔地望着前面。 IDIOM together with 1 ★ including 包括…在内 ◆ Together with the Johnsons, there were 12 of us in the villa. 包括约翰逊一家在内,别墅里总共有我们 12 个人。 2 ★ in addition to; as well as 加之;和;连同;同…一起 ◆ I sent my order, together with a cheque for £40. 我把订单连同一张 40 英镑的支票一起寄出去。 adjective ( informal, approving) (of a person 人 ) well organized and confident 自信而妥实的 ◆ He's incredibly together for someone so young. 他这个人年纪轻轻,办事如此稳当,真是了不起。 to·gether / təˈɡeðə(r) ; NAmE təˈɡeðər /
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