


phrase. 时间量程  phrase. 时标 


Another limitation is just the basic timescale inherent in the method definition. 另一个局限是在方法定义中的基本时间单位。
The project does not yet have a fixed timescale, although it was unlikely to produce anything physical for "at least five years". 虽然这个项目在至少五年之内不可能生产出任何物质性的东西,但它它目前还没有固定的时标。

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  • phrase. 时间量程
  • phrase. 时标
  • 1. Another limitation is just the basic timescale inherent in the method definition.


  • 2. The project does not yet have a fixed timescale, although it was unlikely to produce anything physical for "at least five years".


  • 3. But they described their estimates as conservative and warned a large-scale extinction would have an impact on a timescale beyond human imagining.


time·scale / ˈtaɪmskeɪl ; NAmE ˈtaɪmskeɪl / noun the period of time that it takes for sth to happen or be completed (事情发生或完成所需要的)一段时间,期限 What's the timescale for the project? 这个项目的工期是多长? timescale timescales time·scale / ˈtaɪmskeɪl ; NAmE ˈtaɪmskeɪl /
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