time-consuming 英 [taɪm kən'sju:mɪŋ]   美 [ˈtaɪmkənˌsumɪŋ]


time-consuming  英 [taɪm kən'sju:mɪŋ] 美 [ˈtaɪmkənˌsumɪŋ]

adj. 耗时的;旷日持久的 


In a country in which many people are illiterate, this is time-consuming. 在一个大部分公民是文盲的国家,这将是旷日持久的。
This is because the deletion of a composite application might be time-consuming. 这是因为一个复合应用程序的删除可能是耗时的。

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  • adj. 耗时的;旷日持久的
  • 1. In a country in which many people are illiterate, this is time-consuming.


  • 2. This is because the deletion of a composite application might be time-consuming.


  • 3. As any system administrator can tell you, managing enterprise users and groups is a time-consuming process.


ˈtime-consuming / ; NAmE / adjective taking or needing a lot of time 费时的;耗时间的 a difficult and time-consuming process 困难而又费时的过程 ˈtime-consuming / ; NAmE /
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