thick 英 [θɪk]   美 [θɪk]


thick  英 [θɪk] 美 [θɪk]

adj. 厚的;浓的  adv. 浓浓地,厚厚地 

名词复数:thicks  比较级:thicker  最高级:thickest 

a thick book  一本厚书
a thick slice of bread 一片厚面包

  • When something's thick, it's wide from one side to the other, like a thick piece of French toast or a thick layer of snow on your car.
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  • adj. 厚的;浓的
  • adv. 浓浓地,厚厚地
  • 1. a thick book


  • 2. a thick slice of bread


  • 3. a thick coat


  • 4. How thick are the walls?


  • 5. They're two feet thick.


  • 6. thick dark hair


  • 7. a thick forest


  • 8. thick smoke


  • 9. The air was thick with dust.


  • thick (adj.) Old English þicce "dense, viscous, solid, stiff; numerous, abundant; deep," also as an adverb, "thickly, closely, often, frequently," from Proto-Germanic *thiku- (source also of Old Saxon thikki, Old High German dicchi, German dick, Old Norse þykkr, Old Frisian thikke), from PIE *tegu- "thick" (source also of Gaelic tiugh). Secondary Old English sense of "close together" is preserved in thickset and proverbial phrase thick as thieves (1833). Meaning "stupid" is first recorded 1590s. Related: Thickly.
thick / θɪk ; NAmE θɪk / adjective , noun , adverb thick thicker thickest adjective ( thick·er , thick·est ) distance between sides 厚度 1 having a larger distance between opposite sides or surfaces than other similar objects or than normal 厚的;粗的 a thick slice of bread 一片厚面包 a thick book (= one that has a lot of pages) 一本厚书 a thick coat (= one made of heavy cloth) 厚大衣 thick fingers 粗手指 Everything was covered with a thick layer of dust. 所有的东西都覆盖着厚厚的一层灰尘。 2 used to ask about or state the distance between opposite sides or surfaces (询问或说明厚度)有…厚 How thick are the walls? 这些墙有多厚? They're two feet thick. 它们两英尺厚。 hair/fur/trees 毛发;毛皮;树木 3 growing closely together in large numbers 浓密的;稠密的;茂密的 thick dark hair 浓密的黑发 a thick forest 茂密的森林 liquid 液体 4 not flowing very easily 浓的;黏稠的 thick soup 浓汤 The effect will be ruined if the paint is too thick. 涂料太稠就会破坏效果。 fog/smoke/air 雾;烟;空气 5 difficult to see through; difficult to breathe in 能见度低的;浓的;阴霾的;浑浊的;不透气的 The plane crashed in thick fog. 飞机在大雾中坠毁。 thick smoke 浓烟 thickwith sth The air was thick with dust. 空气由于灰尘弥漫而闷塞。 ( figurative) The atmosphere was thick with tension. 气氛紧张得使人透不过气来。 with large number/amount 大量 6 thickwith sb/sth having a large number of people or a large amount of sth in one place 拥满;挤满;充满;弥漫 The beach was thick with sunbathers. 海滩上密密麻麻都是晒太阳的人。 stupid 愚蠢 7 ( BrE) ( informal) (of a person ) slow to learn or understand things 迟钝的;愚笨的 Are you thick, or what? 你是傻还是怎么啦? accent 口音 8 ( sometimes disapproving) easily recognized as being from a particular country or area 浓重的;明显的 SYN strong a thick Brooklyn accent 浓重的布鲁克林口音 voice 嗓音 9 thick(with sth) deep and not as clear as normal, especially because of illness or emotion 嘶哑的,不清的(尤指因疾病或激动所致) His voice was thick with emotion. 他激动得话都说不清楚。 friendly with sb 友好 10 thick(with sb) ( informal) very friendly with sb, especially in a way that makes other people suspicious 亲密的;十分友好的;过于亲近的 You seem to be very thick with the boss! 你好像和老板走得挺近的! see also thickly  (3 ) , thickness IDIOMS give sb/get a thick ˈear ( BrE) ( informal) to hit sb/be hit on the head as a punishment 打耳光;捱耳光 (as) thick as ˈthieves ( informal) (of two or more people 两个或以上的人 ) very friendly, especially in a way that makes other people suspicious 非常友好;亲密无间;过从甚密 (as) thick as two short ˈplanks ( BrE) ( informal) (of a person ) very stupid 笨得像木头人;笨到极点 a thick ˈhead ( informal) a physical condition in which your head is painful or you cannot think clearly as a result of an illness or of drinking too much alcohol (由于疾病或饮酒过量)晕头胀脑,稀里糊涂 your thick ˈhead ( informal) used to show that you are annoyed that sb does not understand sth (认为某人理解慢而恼火)笨脑瓜,木头脑瓜 When will you get it into your thick head that I don't want to see you again! 你那木头脑瓜什么时候才会明白我不想再见到你呢? a ˌthick ˈskin the ability to accept criticism, insults, etc. without becoming upset 厚脸皮;不计较面子 OPP a thin skin see also thick-skinned more at blood n. , ground n. noun [uncountable ] IDIOMS in the ˈthick of sth involved in the busiest or most active part of sth 在…最繁忙的时候;处于…最活跃部份;在密集处 through ˌthick and ˈthin even when there are problems or difficulties 不顾艰难险阻;赴汤蹈火;同甘共苦 He's supported the team for over ten years through thick and thin. 十多年来,在任何情况下他都支持这个队。 adverb ( thick·er , thick·est ) in a way that produces a wide piece or deep layer of sth 厚厚地 Make sure you cut the bread nice and thick. 你一定要把面包片切得厚厚的。 IDIOMS lay it on ˈthick ( informal) to talk about sb/sth in a way that makes them or it seem much better or much worse than they really are; to exaggerate sth 夸大其词地褒贬;露骨地吹捧;过分贬低 Praise them when necessary, but don't lay it on too thick. 必要时要表扬他们,但不能言过其实。 thick and ˈfast quickly and in large quantities 又快又多;频频 Questions were coming at them thick and fast. 问题铺天盖地向他们而来。 thick / θɪk ; NAmE θɪk /
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