therefore 英 [ˈðeəfɔ:(r)]   美 [ˈðerfɔ(r)]


therefore  英 [ˈðeəfɔ:(r)] 美 [ˈðerfɔ(r)]

adv. 因此;所以 

I think, therefore I am. 我思故我在。
He killed, therefore I killed him. 他杀了人,因此我杀了他。

  • The adverb therefore means as a result or consequence, or "for that reason." Cats and dogs tend to fight; therefore, keep your pets apart at night if you want to get some sleep.
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  • adv. 因此;所以
  • 1. I think, therefore I am.


  • 2. He killed, therefore I killed him.


  • 3. It rained and therefore the football match was postponed.

    天下雨, 足球赛因此而延期了。

  • therefore (adv.) Old English þærfore; from there + fore, Old English and Middle English collateral form of for. Since c. 1800, therefor has been used in sense of "for that, by reason of that;" and therefore in sense of "in consequence of that." Similar formation in Dutch daarfoor, German dafür, Danish derfor.
there·fore / ˈðeəfɔː(r) ; NAmE ˈðerfɔːr / adverb used to introduce the logical result of sth that has just been mentioned 因此;所以;因而 He's only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote. 他只有 17 岁,因此没有投票选举的资格。 There is still much to discuss. We shall, therefore, return to this item at our next meeting. 要讨论的问题还有很多。所以,我们将在下次会议上再讨论这项议题。 LANGUAGE BANK 用语库 therefore Ways of saying ‘For this reason…’ “因此”的种种表达方法 Today's children eat more junk food and get less exercise than previous generations of children. It is not surprising, therefore,that rates of childhood obesity are on the increase. 当今的孩子比过去几代人吃的垃圾食品更多,锻炼更少。因此,肥胖儿童的比例逐渐升高并不奇怪。 Children who grow up on a diet of junk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life. It is essential, therefore,that parents encourage healthy eating from an early age. 吃垃圾食品长大的孩子发现在日后的生活中很难改变这个习惯。因此,父母从孩子幼年开始就倡导健康饮食非常重要。 Children who grow up on a diet of junk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life. For this reason,/ This is whyit is essential that children eat healthily from an early age. 吃垃圾食品长大的孩子在日后的生活中很难改变这个习惯。因此,孩子从幼年开始就健康饮食非常重要。 Eating habits formed in childhood tend to continue into adult life. Thus,the best way to prevent heart disease among adults is to encourage healthy eating from an early age. 孩童时期形成的饮食习惯往往会延续到成年。因此,预防成年人心脏疾病的最好方法就是从小鼓励健康饮食。 Eating habits formed in childhood tend to continue into adult life, hencethe importance of encouraging healthy eating from an early age. 孩童时期形成的饮食习惯往往会延续到成年。因此,从小鼓励健康饮食尤为重要。 ➱ Language Banks at because of, cause, consequently, emphasis, vital there·fore / ˈðeəfɔː(r) ; NAmE ˈðerfɔːr /
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