- When you thank someone, you tell them how grateful or appreciative you are. You'll definitely thank your friends if they get together and throw you a fabulous surprise party for your birthday.
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- vt. 感谢
- n. 感谢
1. thank you all the same.
2. thank you for looking after us so well.
3. She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.
- thank (v.) Old English þancian, þoncian "to give thanks, thank, to recompense, to reward," from Proto-Germanic *thankojan (source also of Old Saxon thancon, Old Norse þakka, Danish takke, Old Frisian thankia, Old High German danchon, Middle Dutch, Dutch, German danken "to thank"), from *thankoz "thought; gratitude," from PIE root *tong- "to think, feel."
thank ★ / θæŋk ; NAmE θæŋk / verb to tell sb that you are grateful for sth 谢谢,感谢(某人);(为某事)道谢 thanksb for sth ◆ I must write and thank Mary for the present. 我得写信感谢玛丽送给我这份礼物。 ◆ In his speech, he thanked everyone for all their hard work. 他在讲话中感谢大家各尽其力。 thanksb for doing sth ◆ She said goodbye and thanked us for coming. 她向我们道别,并感谢我们的光临。 thanksb ◆ There's no need to thank me—I enjoyed doing it. 不必谢我,我乐意效劳。 IDIOMS have sb to thank (for sth) used when you are saying who is responsible for sth 责怪;由…负责;多亏;归功于 ◆ I have my parents to thank for my success. 我的成功归功于我的父母。 I'll thank you for sth/to do sth ( formal) used to tell sb that you are annoyed and do not want them to do sth (用以表示恼火,不让人做某事)请你… ◆ I'll thank you to mind your own business. 请你少管闲事。 ★ thank ˈGod/ˈgoodness/ˈheaven(s) (for sth) used to say that you are pleased about sth 谢天谢地 ◆ Thank God you're safe! 谢天谢地,你平安无事! ◆ ‘Thank goodness for that!’ she said with a sigh of relief. “这可要谢天谢地!”她宽慰地舒了一口气。 HELP Some people find the phrase thank Godoffensive. 有人认为 thank God 这一短语含冒犯意。 thank your lucky ˈstars to feel very grateful and lucky about sth 真走运;吉星高照 sb won't ˈthank you for sth used to say that sb will not be pleased or will be annoyed about sth 某人会因而生气 ◆ John won't thank you for interfering. 你插手,约翰必定十分恼火。 thank thanks thanked thanking thank / θæŋk ; NAmE θæŋk /
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