tersely ['tɝsli]  


tersely  ['tɝsli]

adv. 简洁地;精练地 

In contrast, the same sort of rules can be described even more tersely using regular expressions. 相比之下,使用正则表达式可以更精练地描述同类规则。
He is one of the writers that make you think before you grasp his meaning, but the meaning is there, and put plainly enough, only tersely and very often indirectly, after the manner of proverbs. 他是这样的一个作家,让你需要加入自己思考才可以更好领会他的意思,但当然意思一直在那里,只是用语朴素,而且往往过于简洁,且拐弯抹角,仿效谚语那样。

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  • adv. 简洁地;精练地
  • 1. In contrast, the same sort of rules can be described even more tersely using regular expressions.


  • 2. He is one of the writers that make you think before you grasp his meaning, but the meaning is there, and put plainly enough, only tersely and very often indirectly, after the manner of proverbs.


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