terrifically [tə'rɪfɪkli]  


terrifically  [tə'rɪfɪkli]

adv. 极端地;可怕地;非常地 

You’d be a terrifically hard sell even for the most accomplished matchmaker. 即使是最能干的媒婆,要把你推销出去也相当困难。
Merton's comic persona can be pretty devastating towards others' stupidity, which is terrifically funny to watch, but presumably not quite as fun to find oneself on the receiving end of. 默顿扮演的喜剧角色相较于其他人装傻式的表演相当具有吸引力,后者看起来非常搞笑,但观看者恐怕不会希望自己和剧中的人物一样。

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  • adv. 极端地;可怕地;非常地
  • 1. You’d be a terrifically hard sell even for the most accomplished matchmaker.


  • 2. Merton's comic persona can be pretty devastating towards others' stupidity, which is terrifically funny to watch, but presumably not quite as fun to find oneself on the receiving end of.


  • 3. This is terrifically easy to remember because a certain Colonel had the good sense to open a chain of restaurants using the abbreviation KFC for a name.


ter·rif·ic·al·ly / təˈrɪfɪkli ; NAmE təˈrɪfɪkli / adverb ( informal) extremely (usually used about positive qualities) 极其,非常(通常用于正面性质) terrifically exciting 极其令人兴奋 ter·rif·ic·al·ly / təˈrɪfɪkli ; NAmE təˈrɪfɪkli /
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