tellingly ['teliŋli]  


tellingly  ['teliŋli]

adv. 有效地;显著地 

tellingly, some workers — namely, those who tend to be Republican-leaning — are exempted from the ban; it’s as if Mr. Walker were flaunting the political nature of his actions. 而另一部分工人——那些倾向于共和党意识形态的工人们则得到了法案的豁免;这就好比沃克先生在用实际行动说明他的政治倾向。
tellingly, two founders of a ministry established to 'heal' homosexuals later described their programme as 'ineffective ... not one person was healed'. 有趣的是,两个用来“治疗”同性恋的部门建立者后来形容他们的计划“没有用……没有一个人被治愈”。

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  • adv. 有效地;显著地
  • 1. tellingly, some workers — namely, those who tend to be Republican-leaning — are exempted from the ban; it’s as if Mr. Walker were flaunting the political nature of his actions.


  • 2. tellingly, two founders of a ministry established to 'heal' homosexuals later described their programme as 'ineffective ... not one person was healed'.


  • 3. tellingly, he adds that whereas the generals now tolerate a bit of political criticism, they have become more hostile to any exposure of their increasingly tangled role in the country’s economy.


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