television 英 [ˈtelɪvɪʒn]   美 [ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən]


television  英 [ˈtelɪvɪʒn] 美 [ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən]

n. 电视,电视机 


a colour television 彩色电视机
the television news 电视新闻

  • A television is an electronic device that broadcasts entertaining programs you can watch and listen to. You and your parents might argue over how much television you're allowed to watch on school nights.
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  • n. 电视,电视机
  • 1. a colour television


  • 2. the television news


  • television (n.) 1907, as a theoretical system to transmit moving images over telegraph or telephone wires; formed in English or borrowed from French télévision, from tele- + vision.
tele·vi·sion / ˈtelɪvɪʒn ; NAmE ˈtelɪvɪʒn / noun ( abbr.TV ) 1 ( also ˈtelevision set ) ( also BrE , informal telly ) [countable ] a piece of electrical equipment with a screen on which you can watch programmes with moving pictures and sounds 电视机 a colour television 彩色电视机 a widescreen television 宽屏幕电视机 a plasma screen television 等离子电视机 to turn the television on/off 打开╱关闭电视机 2 ( also BrE , informal telly ) [uncountable ] the programmes broadcast on television 电视节目;电视 We don't do much in the evenings except watch television. 我们在晚上除了看电视不怎么干别的事。 3 [uncountable ] the system, process or business of broadcasting television programmes 电视系统;电视学;电视广播业 satellite/terrestrial/cable/digital television 卫星╱地面╱有线╱数字电视系统 the television news 电视新闻 a television documentary 电视纪录片 a television company/presenter 电视广播公司╱节目主持人 I'd like to work in television (= for a television company). 我希望从事电视广播事业。 see also cable television , closed-circuit television IDIOM on (the) ˈtelevision ( also informal on TV ) ( also BrE , informal on the ˈtelly ) being broadcast by television; appearing in a television programme 电视播放的;上电视的;在电视上露面的 What's on television tonight? 今晚有什么电视节目? Is there anything good on the telly tonight? 今晚电视有好节目吗? It was on TV yesterday. 昨天电视上播放了它。 I recognize you. Aren't you on television? 我认出你来了。你不是常上电视吗? COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配 Television 电视 Watching 观看 watchtelevision/TV/a show/( BrE) a programme/( NAmE) a program/a documentary/a pilot/a rerun/a repeat 看电视/电视节目/纪实电视节目/试播节目/重播的电视节目 see( especially BrE) an ad/( especially NAmE) a commercial/the news/the weather 看广告/新闻/天气节目 catch/missa show/a programme/a program/an episode/the news 看/错过电视节目/电视连续剧的一集/新闻节目 pick up/reach for/grabthe remote (control) 拿起/伸手去拿/抓起遥控器 change/switchchannel 换频道 surf (through)/( especially NAmE) flip through/( especially BrE) flick throughthe channels 快速浏览电视频道 sit in front of/switch on/switch off/turn on/turn offthe television/the TV/the TV set 坐在电视机前;开/关电视 have/installsatellite (TV)/cable (TV)/a satellite dish 有/安装卫星电视/有线电视/卫星电视碟形天线 Showing 播放 showa programme/a documentary/an ad/a commercial 播放电视节目/纪实电视节目/广告 screena programme/a documentary 播放电视节目/纪实电视节目 runan ad/a commercial 播放广告 broadcast/( especially NAmE) air/repeata show/a programme/a documentary/an episode/a series 播放/重播电视节目/纪实电视节目/电视连续剧的一集/系列节目 go out/air/be recordedlive 现场直播/录制 attract/draw (in)/pull (in)viewers 吸引观众 be a hit withviewers/audiences/critics 受到电视观众/观众/评论家的喜爱 get(low/high) ratings 有(低/高)收视率 Appearing 演出 be on/appear ontelevision/TV/a TV show 在电视上/电视节目中露面 take part ina phone-in/a game show/a quiz show/a reality TV show 参与热线直播节目/游戏节目/智力游戏节目/电视真人秀 hosta show/a programme/series/a game show/a quiz show/a talk show/( BrE) a chat show 主持电视节目/系列节目/游戏节目/智力游戏节目/访谈节目 be/become/work asa ( BrE) TV presenter/talk-show host/sports commentator/anchorman/( BrE) newsreader 是/成为/当电视节目主持人/访谈节目主持人/体育运动实况解说员/新闻节目主持人/新闻播音员 read/presentthe news 播报新闻 appear/performlive (on TV) (在电视上)现场表演 Programme-making 节目制作 do/film/makea show/a programme/a documentary/an episode/a pilot/a series/an ad/a commercial 拍摄电视节目/纪实电视节目/电视连续剧的一集/试播节目/系列节目/广告 work ona soap (opera)/a pilot (episode)/a sitcom 制作肥皂剧/试播节目(的一集)/情景喜剧 write/producea drama/sitcom/spin-off/comedy series 写/拍摄戏剧/情景喜剧/电视系列剧的派生作品/喜剧连续剧 television televisions tele·vi·sion / ˈtelɪvɪʒn ; NAmE ˈtelɪvɪʒn /
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