taxonomic [,tæksə'nɑmɪk]  


taxonomic  [,tæksə'nɑmɪk]

adj. [生物] 分类的;[生物] 分类学的 

An American child would be more likely to pair the cow with a chicken because they fit into the same "taxonomic" category. 而美国儿童能更容易把鸡和牛搭配在一起,因为它们是同样的“分类学”的类别(译者注:都是动物)。
A drifting soup of microscopic algae, creatures and bacteria, they are not even one group of species but bridge entire taxonomic kingdoms. 它们是由细微的藻类、生物和细菌组成的漂流汤,甚至算不上一组物种,但是却连接起了整个分类王国。

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  • adj. [生物] 分类的;[生物] 分类学的
  • 1. An American child would be more likely to pair the cow with a chicken because they fit into the same "taxonomic" category.


  • 2. A drifting soup of microscopic algae, creatures and bacteria, they are not even one group of species but bridge entire taxonomic kingdoms.


  • 3. Continuous variables can also be cast into the appearance of taxonomic features by organizing their value into ranges, which can then be further subdivided to create a hierarchy.


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