taping [tepɪŋ]  


taping  [tepɪŋ]

n. 磁带录音  v. 用磁带录音(tape的ing形式) 


This means cutting out shapes, taping things in place and allowing glue to dry if need be. 这意味着切割出各种形状,把东西贴在特定的地方,需要的话,可以使用胶水。
Hanks volunteers with taping for the Blind, an organization that makes audio recordings of popular books and magazines. 汉克斯是“为盲人录音”机构的志愿者。 该机构为盲人录制流行书籍和杂志的音频。

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  • n. 磁带录音
  • v. 用磁带录音(tape的ing形式)
  • 1. This means cutting out shapes, taping things in place and allowing glue to dry if need be.


  • 2. Hanks volunteers with taping for the Blind, an organization that makes audio recordings of popular books and magazines.

    汉克斯是“为盲人录音”机构的志愿者。 该机构为盲人录制流行书籍和杂志的音频。

  • 3. I was in Turkey, wading in the Euphrates, taping a show about the Garden of Eden, when Lindaproposed that one of our girls be named Eden.

    后来,我去了土耳其,沿着幼发拉底河跋涉,拍摄一档关于伊甸园的节目。 那时,琳达提议给一个孩子取名叫做伊甸。

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