tantalizingly ['tæntə,laiziŋli]  


tantalizingly  ['tæntə,laiziŋli]

adv. 逗人地;…得令人着急 

Just weeks ago, Mr. Piggott was tantalizingly close, friends say, but Benson broke free and now she will never be his. 朋友们说,就在几周前,皮戈特差点就成功了,但本森挣脱了,如今她永远不会是他的了。
Suddenly, with two months remaining in his law-school education, the 28-year-old found himself tantalizingly close to a degree and no place to apply it. 在他大学法律学习生涯的最后两个月,这个28岁的人突然发现他面临毕业但却找不到一份工作。

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  • adv. 逗人地;…得令人着急
  • 1. Just weeks ago, Mr. Piggott was tantalizingly close, friends say, but Benson broke free and now she will never be his.


  • 2. Suddenly, with two months remaining in his law-school education, the 28-year-old found himself tantalizingly close to a degree and no place to apply it.


  • 3. But we are tantalizingly close to giving the F.D.A. the resources it needs to hire enough inspectors -- and the authority it needs to empower those inspectors to do their jobs.


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