taillight 英 ['teɪlaɪt]  


taillight  英 ['teɪlaɪt]

n. 尾灯;后灯(等于tail lamp) 


Then, at 2 a.m., a helicopter made a low pass, its taillight green against the sky. 随后,凌晨2点,一架低空飞过的直升机用绿色的尾灯照亮了天空。
You may feel fine, you may be driving like a champ, but there is no accounting for that broken taillight. 你可能感觉良好,可能像个赛车冠军,不过没有任何借口能解释破掉的尾灯。

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  • n. 尾灯;后灯(等于tail lamp)
  • 1. Then, at 2 a.m., a helicopter made a low pass, its taillight green against the sky.


  • 2. You may feel fine, you may be driving like a champ, but there is no accounting for that broken taillight.


  • 3. ANNOUNCER: “They’ll know you’ve arrived, when you drive up in the nineteen fifty-eight Edsel -- the car that’s truly new, from nameplate to taillight.”

    ANNOUNCER:“当你驾驶1958年版的Edsel --这种真正从铭牌到尾灯都全新设计的汽车,他们就会知道你已经到达了。”

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