tag 英 [tæg]   美 [tæɡ]


tag  英 [tæg] 美 [tæɡ]

n. 标签;名称;结束语;附属物  vt. 尾随,紧随;连接;起浑名;添饰  vi. 紧随 

进行时:tagging  过去式:tagged  过去分词:tagged  第三人称单数:tags  名词复数:tags 

A tag was attached to each article. 每件物品上都系上了标签。
If not, the body of this tag will display on the page. 如果非空,那就会在页面上显示这个标签的主体。

  • Tag! You're it! Tag is a playground game in which you try to catch other players. A tag is also a label or marker that provides some information about the thing it's attached to, like the tag inside the neck of your sweater.
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  • n. 标签;名称;结束语;附属物
  • vt. 尾随,紧随;连接;起浑名;添饰
  • vi. 紧随
  • 1. A tag was attached to each article.


  • 2. If not, the body of this tag will display on the page.


  • 3. Don't forget to tag your suitcases with your name and address.


tag / tæɡ ; NAmE tæɡ / noun , verb tag tags tagged tagging noun 1 [countable ] ( often in compounds 常构成复合词 ) a small piece of paper, cloth, plastic, etc. attached to sth to identify it or give information about it 标签;标牌 He put name tags on all his shirts. 他给自己所有的衬衣都缝上了标有姓名的签条。 a gift tag (= tied to a present) 礼品签 The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation. 警方利用电子跟踪器监视缓刑期间的青年罪犯。 synonyms at label see also price tag 2 [countable ,  usually singular ] a name or phrase that is used to describe a person or thing in some way 称呼;诨名 They are finally ready to drop the tag ‘the new Beatles’. 他们终于准备放弃“新披头士乐队”这一称谓。 The ‘lucky’ tag stuck for years. “幸运儿”这个诨名叫了好多年。 3 [countable ] ( linguistics 语言 ) a word or phrase that is added to a sentence for emphasis, for example I doin Yes, I do 附加语(为加强语气,如 Yes, I do 一句中的 I do) see also question tag 4 [countable ] ( computing ) a set of letters or symbols that are put before and after a piece of text or data in order to identify it or show that it is to be treated in a particular way 标记;标签;标识符 5 [countable ] a short quotationor saying in a foreign language (外国语的)语录,引语,格言,谚语 the Latin tag ‘Si vis pacem, para bellum.’ (= if you want peace, prepare for war) 拉丁语格言:“欲要和平,辄需备战。” 6 ( BrE also tig ) [uncountable ] a children's game in which one child chases the others and tries to touch one of them 捉人(儿童游戏) 7 [countable ] a symbol or name used by a graffitiwriter and painted in a public place (在公共场所涂鸦者用的)符号,名字 verb ( -gg- ) 1 tagsth/sb to fasten a tagonto sth/sb 给…加上标签 Each animal was tagged with a number for identification. 每只动物都系上了标有号码的小牌,以便辨认。 see also electronic tagging 2 tagsb/sth as sth to give sb/sth a name that describes what they are or do 把…称作;给…起诨名 SYN label The country no longer wanted to be tagged as a Third World nation. 这个国家不愿意再被称为第三世界国家。 3 tagsth ( computing ) to add a set of letters or symbols to a piece of text or data in order to identify it or show that it is to be treated in a particular way 加标识符(或标记、标签) PHRASAL VERBS ˌtag aˈlong (behind/with sb) to go somewhere with sb, especially when you have not been asked or invited 跟随,尾随(尤指未经同意或邀请) ˌtag sth↔ˈon | ˌtag sth ˈonto sth to add sth to the end of sth that already exists, especially in a careless way (尤指漫不经心地)给…加上,附加 An apology was tagged onto the end of the letter. 信的结尾顺便附了一句抱歉的话。 tag / tæɡ ; NAmE tæɡ /
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