table manners  

table manners

table manners 

phrase. 饭桌礼仪 

But the one thing that truly places the book in the past is its advice on table manners. 但是真正让这本书在过去风靡一时的是,它给以人们以餐桌礼仪的建议。
All the other phases of his life were neglected; no one even bothered to teach him table manners. 生活的其他方面全被忽视了;甚至没有人想到要教给他吃饭时应有的规矩。

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  • phrase. 饭桌礼仪
  • 1. But the one thing that truly places the book in the past is its advice on table manners.


  • 2. All the other phases of his life were neglected; no one even bothered to teach him table manners.


  • 3. This is the height of British table manners five centuries before Mrs Beeton. And Chaucer, of course, is laughing at this over-refinement.


ˈtable manners / ; NAmE / noun [plural ] the behaviour that is considered correct while you are having a meal at a table with other people 餐桌规矩;进餐礼节 ˈtable manners / ; NAmE /
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