syphilis 英 ['sɪfɪlɪs]   美 ['sɪfɪlɪs]


syphilis  英 ['sɪfɪlɪs] 美 ['sɪfɪlɪs]

n. [性病] 梅毒 


In pregnant women with untreated early syphilis, 25% of pregnancies result in stillbirth and 14% in neonatal death – an overall perinatal mortality of about 40%. 患有早期梅毒但未经治疗的孕妇,有25%的妊娠结果为死胎,14%为新生儿死亡 − 总的围产儿死亡率约为40%。
Arsenic was also widely available at the time, handed out in the form of Fowler's Solution as a treatment for everything from rheumatism – something Austen complained of in her letters – to syphilis. 砷在当时以福勒氏溶液(亚砷酸钾溶液)的形式被广泛使用:该溶液被作为一种医治百病的药剂——从风湿病到梅毒——奥斯汀在信中曾抱怨过此事。

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  • n. [性病] 梅毒
  • 1. In pregnant women with untreated early syphilis, 25% of pregnancies result in stillbirth and 14% in neonatal death – an overall perinatal mortality of about 40%.

    患有早期梅毒但未经治疗的孕妇,有25%的妊娠结果为死胎,14%为新生儿死亡 − 总的围产儿死亡率约为40%。

  • 2. Arsenic was also widely available at the time, handed out in the form of Fowler's Solution as a treatment for everything from rheumatism – something Austen complained of in her letters – to syphilis.


  • 3. Condoms also provide some protection against herpes, syphilis and chancroid, but genital ulcer STIs can also be transmitted by contact with exposed infected skin.


  • syphilis (n.) infectious venereal disease, 1718, Modern Latin, originally from the title of a poem, "Syphilis, sive Morbus Gallicus" "Syphilis, or the French Disease," published 1530, by Veronese doctor Girolamo Fracastoro (1483-1553), which tells the tale of the shepherd Syphilus, supposed to be the first sufferer from the disease. Fracastoro first used the word as a generic term for the disease in his 1546 treatise "De Contagione." Why he chose the name is unknown; it may be intended as Latinized Greek for "Pig-lover," though there was also a Sipylus, a son of Niobe, in Ovid.
syph·ilis / ˈsɪfɪlɪs ; NAmE ˈsɪfɪlɪs / noun [uncountable ] a disease that gets worse over a period of time, spreading from the sexual organs to the skin, bones, muscles and brain. It is caught by having sex with an infected person. 梅毒 syph·il·it·ic / ˌsɪfɪˈlɪtɪk ; NAmE ˌsɪfɪˈlɪtɪk / adjective syph·ilis / ˈsɪfɪlɪs ; NAmE ˈsɪfɪlɪs / syph·il·it·ic / ˌsɪfɪˈlɪtɪk ; NAmE ˌsɪfɪˈlɪtɪk /
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