synchrotron 英 ['sɪŋkrə(ʊ)trɒn]  


synchrotron  英 ['sɪŋkrə(ʊ)trɒn]

n. [核] 同步加速器;同步回旋加速器 


For example, a new synchrotron under construction in Jordan is rapidly becoming a symbol of the potential for teamwork in the Middle East. 例如,正在约旦兴建的一个新的同步加速器正在迅速成为中东地区团队合作潜力的象征。
The pulses are a billion times brighter than the light created by the most powerful synchrotron sources, and are used like flashes from a high-speed strobe light. 这种脉冲比最强大的同步加速器产生的光还要明亮百万倍,可以像来自于高速闪光灯的闪光那样使用。

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  • n. [核] 同步加速器;同步回旋加速器
  • 1. For example, a new synchrotron under construction in Jordan is rapidly becoming a symbol of the potential for teamwork in the Middle East.


  • 2. The pulses are a billion times brighter than the light created by the most powerful synchrotron sources, and are used like flashes from a high-speed strobe light.


  • 3. For example, despite hopes that the Middle East synchrotron would help bring peace to the region, several countries have been reluctant to support it until the Palestine problem is resolved.


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