symbolist 英 ['sɪmbəlɪst]   美 ['sɪmblɪst]


symbolist  英 ['sɪmbəlɪst] 美 ['sɪmblɪst]

n. 象征主义者;符号学者;记号使用者 


symbolist poets LI Jin-fa and Baudelaire have shown in their poems the major character of melancholy. 象征主义诗人李金发与波德莱尔在他们的诗歌中均表现出忧郁这一重要特征。
Blanchot draws on the work of the symbolist poet Stéphane Mallarmé in formulating his conception of literary language as anti-realist and distinct from everyday experience. 布朗肖沿用了象征主义诗人斯忒法·马拉美叙述作为反现实主义语言,与日常经验相异的文学语言概念的作品。

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  • n. 象征主义者;符号学者;记号使用者
  • 1. symbolist poets LI Jin-fa and Baudelaire have shown in their poems the major character of melancholy.


  • 2. Blanchot draws on the work of the symbolist poet Stéphane Mallarmé in formulating his conception of literary language as anti-realist and distinct from everyday experience.


  • 3. Works by German artists fared extremely well. Among them, a superb example of the work of symbolist painter Anselm Feuerbach attracted interest from institutions and private collectors alike.

    今日,德国艺术家的作品拍卖成交情况也十分令人欣喜,其中最有代表性的是象征主义画家安塞尔姆费尔巴哈Anselm Feuerbach的多幅作品,它们吸引了众多艺术机构和私人藏家争相竞价。

  • symbolist (n.) 1580s, from symbol + -ist. From 1888 in reference to a literary movement that aimed at representing ideas and emotions by indirect suggestion rather than direct expression, from French symboliste, coined 1885 by poet Paul Verlaine (1844-1896). Rejecting realism and naturalism, they attached symbolic meaning to certain objects, words, etc.
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