suspect 英 [səˈspekt]   美 [səˈspɛkt]


suspect  英 [səˈspekt] 美 [səˈspɛkt]

n. 嫌疑犯  adj. 可疑的;  v. 怀疑;猜想 

进行时:suspecting  过去式:suspected  过去分词:suspected  第三人称单数:suspects  名词复数:suspects 

If you suspect a gas leak, do not turn on an electric light. 假如你怀疑有煤气泄漏,不要打开电灯。
Suspecting nothing, he walked right into the trap. 他毫无觉察,迳直走入陷阱。

  • A suspect is a person who is believed to be guilty of a crime. If you leave the scene of a murder with blood on your hands and a weapon in your pocket, you’re likely to become a prime suspect.
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  • n. 嫌疑犯
  • adj. 可疑的;
  • v. 怀疑;猜想
  • 1. If you suspect a gas leak, do not turn on an electric light.


  • 2. Suspecting nothing, he walked right into the trap.


  • 3. She suspected him to be an treater.


  • 4. He resigned after being suspected of theft.


  • 5. The drug is suspected of causing over 200 deaths.

    人们怀疑这种药物造成 200 多人死亡。

  • 6. a murder suspect


  • 7. He is the prime suspect in the case.


  • 8. Some of the evidence they produced was highly suspect.


  • suspect (adj.) early 14c., "suspected of wrongdoing, under suspicion;" mid-14c., "regarded with mistrust, liable to arouse suspicion," from Old French suspect (14c.), from Latin suspectus "suspected, regarded with suspicion or mistrust," past participle of suspicere "look up at, look upward," figuratively "look up to, admire, respect;" also "look at secretly, look askance at," hence, figuratively, "mistrust, regard with suspicion," from assimilated form of sub "up to" (see sub-) + specere "to look at" (from PIE root *spek- "to observe"). The notion behind the word is "look at secretly," hence, "look at distrustfully."
  • suspect (n.) "a suspected person," 1590s, from suspect (adj.). Earlier as a noun it meant "a suspicion, mistrust" (late 14c.).
  • suspect (v.) mid-15c. (implied in suspected), from suspect (adj.) and in part from Middle French suspecter or directly from Latin suspectare "to mistrust," frequentative of suspicere. Related: Suspecting.
sus·pect verb , noun , adjective suspect suspects suspected suspecting WORD FAMILY suspect verb suspected adjective suspicion noun suspicious adjective suspiciously adverb suspect noun , adjective verb / səˈspekt ; NAmE səˈspekt / ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to have an idea that sth is probably true or likely to happen, especially sth bad, but without having definite proof 疑有,觉得(尤指坏事可能属实或发生) suspect(sth) If you suspect a gas leak, do not strike a match or even turn on an electric light. 假如你怀疑有煤气泄漏,不要划火柴,甚至连电灯都不要开。 Suspecting nothing, he walked right into the trap. 他毫无觉察,迳直走入陷阱。 As I had suspected all along, he was not a real policeman. 他并不是真的警察,我一直就觉得不像。 suspect(that)… I began to suspect (that) they were trying to get rid of me. 我开始觉察出,他们试图摆脱掉我。 it is suspected that… It was suspected that the drugs had been brought into the country by boat. 有人怀疑毒品是用船运入该国的。 suspectsb/sth to be/have sth She suspected him to be an impostor. 她怀疑他是个冒名行骗者。 2 [transitive ] to have an idea that sb is guilty of sth, without having definite proof 怀疑(某人有罪) suspectsb/sth of sth He resigned after being suspected of theft. 他被怀疑偷窃,随后就辞职了。 suspectsb/sth of doing sth The drug is suspected of causing over 200 deaths. 人们怀疑这种药物造成 200 多人死亡。 suspectsb/sth Whom do the police suspect? 警方怀疑谁? 3 [transitive ] suspectsth to be suspicious about sth; to not trust sth 怀疑;感觉有问题;不信任 I suspected her motives in offering to help. 她主动要帮忙,我怀疑她的动机。 sus·pected adjective a suspected broken arm 怀疑骨折的胳膊 suspected tax evasion 逃税嫌疑 suspected terrorists 被怀疑从事恐怖主义活动的人 noun / ˈsʌspekt ; NAmE ˈsʌspekt / a person who is suspected of a crime or of having done sth wrong 嫌疑犯;嫌疑分子;可疑对象 a murder suspect 杀人嫌疑犯 He is the prime suspectin the case. 他是这个案子的首要嫌疑人。 adjective / ˈsʌspekt ; NAmE ˈsʌspekt / 1 that may be false and that cannot be relied on 不可信的;靠不住的 SYN questionable Some of the evidence they produced was highly suspect. 他们出示的证据中有些相当成问题。 2 that you suspect to be dangerous or illegal 可疑的;可能有危险的;有违法嫌疑的 SYN suspicious a suspect package (= one that may contain drugs, a bomb, etc.) 可疑包裹 sus·pect / səˈspekt ; NAmE səˈspekt / suspect / ˈsʌspekt ; NAmE ˈsʌspekt /
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