survivalist [sɚ'vaɪvəlɪst]  


survivalist  [sɚ'vaɪvəlɪst]

n. 活命主义者;成功地活下来的人 


"Tangibles trump conceptuals" is among the key precepts of leading survivalist author and blogger J.W. Rawles. “切实的制胜理论”是作家和博客写手,活命主义者领袖人物J.W罗里斯(J.W.Rawles)的重要格言。
Here's something to watch, though: on some survivalist blogs, a hot debate has recently opened, led by skeptics questioning the utility of gold. 你可以去读读一些活命主义者的博客,最近怀疑者们对黄金的作用表示质疑,引发了激烈的辩论。

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  • n. 活命主义者;成功地活下来的人
  • 1. "Tangibles trump conceptuals" is among the key precepts of leading survivalist author and blogger J.W. Rawles.


  • 2. Here's something to watch, though: on some survivalist blogs, a hot debate has recently opened, led by skeptics questioning the utility of gold.


  • 3. On survivalist blogs and websites with names like Guns, Grub and Gold, they have a term for what will happen next: TEOTWAWKI, which stands for "the end of the world as we know it."

    在一些如名为枪,食物,黄金(Guns Grub and Gold)的活命主义者博客或网页上,他们对即将发生的事件有一个短语:TEOTWAWKI 意思是“我们所知道的世界末日”。

  • survivalist (n.) from 1882 in various senses, from survival + -ist. As "one who practices outdoor survival skills" (often in anticipation of apocalypse or in fear of government), attested by 1976 (in writings of Kurt Saxon).
sur·vival·ist / səˈvaɪvəlɪst ; NAmE sərˈvaɪvəlɪst / noun a person who prepares for a dangerous or unpleasant situation such as a war by learning how to survive outdoors, practising how to use weapons, storing food, etc. 求生训练学员,户外生存受训者(为防备险恶状况而学习户外求生技能) sur·vival·ism / səˈvaɪvəlɪzəm ; NAmE sərˈvəlɪzəm / noun [uncountable ] survivalist survivalists sur·vival·ist / səˈvaɪvəlɪst ; NAmE sərˈvaɪvəlɪst / sur·vival·ism / səˈvaɪvəlɪzəm ; NAmE sərˈvəlɪzəm /
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