surgically ['sə:dʒikəli]  


surgically  ['sə:dʒikəli]

adv. 如外科手术般地 

It could just be a cyst that would either reabsorb itself into the body or need to be surgically removed. 它也有可能仅仅是一个囊肿,能被身体再吸收或者通过手术就可以把它给切除掉。
But if it's time for you to surgically enhance yourself for his benefit, then he should do the same for you. 但是如果是时候你为了他的利益而去手术隆胸,那么他也应该为你做相同的事情。

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  • adv. 如外科手术般地
  • 1. It could just be a cyst that would either reabsorb itself into the body or need to be surgically removed.


  • 2. But if it's time for you to surgically enhance yourself for his benefit, then he should do the same for you.


  • 3. When you can pinpoint material, you can surgically replace it with other material.


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