supporting actress  

supporting actress

supporting actress 

phrase. 女配角;最佳女配角 

Her portrayal won her a British Academy Award and her first Oscar nomination for Best supporting actress. 她在剧中的表现为她赢得了英国影艺学院奖,以及第一次奥斯卡最佳女配角提名。
Veteran actor Kirk Douglas came on stage to a standing ovation to present the Best supporting actress Oscar. 资深演员柯克·道格拉斯在全场人员起立鼓掌的掌声中走上舞台颁发了最佳女配角奖。

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  • phrase. 女配角;最佳女配角
  • 1. Her portrayal won her a British Academy Award and her first Oscar nomination for Best supporting actress.


  • 2. Veteran actor Kirk Douglas came on stage to a standing ovation to present the Best supporting actress Oscar.


  • 3. In 2010, four films featuring Zhang hit the cinema and the film “Aftershock” earned her the nomination for Best supporting actress of Golden Horse Awards.

    2010年,张静初共有四部电影在影院上映。 电影《唐山大地震》让她获得了金马奖最佳女配角提名。

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