superconducting ['sjʊpəkən,dʌktɪŋ]  


superconducting  ['sjʊpəkən,dʌktɪŋ]

adj. [低温] 超导的  v. 起超导体作用(superconduct的ing形式) 

This superconducting gap exists in the smallest molecules of only four nano-metal Gallium reflected online but only three gallium salt nanowires without this feature. 这种超导缺口存在于最小只有四个镓盐分子的纳米金属线上有所体现,但只有三个镓盐的纳米金属线却没有这种特性。
In fact, in 2009, the team used a phase qubit to feed quanta into a long strip of superconducting metal that would ring with microwaves much as an organ pipe rings with sounds. 实际上,该研究小组在2009年就利用相量子位将量子送入超导金属长条,长条与微波发生共振,就如同管式手风琴与声波发生共振一样。

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  • adj. [低温] 超导的
  • v. 起超导体作用(superconduct的ing形式)
  • 1. This superconducting gap exists in the smallest molecules of only four nano-metal Gallium reflected online but only three gallium salt nanowires without this feature.


  • 2. In fact, in 2009, the team used a phase qubit to feed quanta into a long strip of superconducting metal that would ring with microwaves much as an organ pipe rings with sounds.


  • 3. And now, scientists have caught a glimpse of a mysterious phase they call the “pseudo-gap” where the electrons line up just before they form pairs and start superconducting.


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