summer camp  

summer camp

summer camp 

phrase. 夏令营 

名词复数:summer camps 

What’s curious is that while adults have no problem with counselors guiding children’s play at a summer camp, many feel that kids should be left to their own devices at recess. 让人难以理解的是,大人对于有指导老师带领孩子参加暑期夏令营没有什么问题,但是很多却认为孩子们在课间应该让他们自己玩。
China will invite 100 Pakistan high school students to the "Chinese bridge" summer camp and continue to provide Confucius Institute scholarships to Pakistan college students. 中方今年将邀请100名巴基斯坦高中生赴华参加“汉语桥”夏令营,并继续向伊斯兰堡孔子学院提供奖学金。

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  • phrase. 夏令营
  • 1. What’s curious is that while adults have no problem with counselors guiding children’s play at a summer camp, many feel that kids should be left to their own devices at recess.


  • 2. China will invite 100 Pakistan high school students to the "Chinese bridge" summer camp and continue to provide Confucius Institute scholarships to Pakistan college students.


ˈsummer camp / ; NAmE / noun [countable ,  uncountable ] (in the US) a place where children go during the summer and take part in sports and other activities 夏令营 ˈsummer camp / ; NAmE /
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