subprime 英 [ˌsʌbˈpraɪm]   美 [ˌsʌbˈpraɪm]


subprime  英 [ˌsʌbˈpraɪm] 美 [ˌsʌbˈpraɪm]

adj. 次级的;准最低贷款利率的 

They became almost worthless because they were investing in subprime debt and the value of the debt collapsed and so these collapsed as well. 它们变的分文不值,因为它们投资次级债务,而这些债券价格一落千丈,所以这些银行也跟着倒下

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  • adj. 次级的;准最低贷款利率的
  • 1. They became almost worthless because they were investing in subprime debt and the value of the debt collapsed and so these collapsed as well.


  • subprime (adj.) also sub-prime, of loans, etc., by 1978, in frequent use from 1996, from sub- + prime (adj.).
sub·prime / ˌsʌbˈpraɪm ; NAmE ˌsʌbˈpraɪm / adjective ( finance ) connected with the practice of lending money to people who may not be able to pay the money back, because they have a bad credit rating 次级的,次贷的(指贷款给信用差、可能无力还款的人) subprime mortgages/loans/lending 次级按揭/贷款/放款 subprime lenders/borrowers 次级放款人/借款人 sub·prime / ˌsʌbˈpraɪm ; NAmE ˌsʌbˈpraɪm /
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