stylishly ['stailiʃli]  


stylishly  ['stailiʃli]

adv. 时髦地;新式地 

You can think of this step as tailoring a suit: The garment is largely the right size but needs some alteration to fit stylishly. 您可以将这个步骤想象为裁剪一件衣服:这件衣服大小基本合适,但是需要进行一定的修改以使其更加时尚。
Many were stylishly attired in distressed jeans and bright-colored sneakers; half tapped away silently on smartphones while the rest engaged in boisterous conversations. 许多人穿着时髦的水磨牛仔裤和鲜艳的运动鞋;一半的人默默按着智能手机,其余的则在热烈的交谈。

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  • adv. 时髦地;新式地
  • 1. You can think of this step as tailoring a suit: The garment is largely the right size but needs some alteration to fit stylishly.


  • 2. Many were stylishly attired in distressed jeans and bright-colored sneakers; half tapped away silently on smartphones while the rest engaged in boisterous conversations.


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