stridently ['straidentli]  


stridently  ['straidentli]

adv. 刺耳地;尖声地 

Listen to all the voices -- not just here but even more stridently in Europe -- calling for a need to restore fiscal discipline. 听听这众多的声音——不但在这里,在欧洲更加刺耳——要求回归财政纪律。
They were stridently anti-nuclear: the monster emerged after an atomic explosion. 他们尖锐地反对核能:这个原子弹爆炸后出现的怪物。

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  • adv. 刺耳地;尖声地
  • 1. Listen to all the voices -- not just here but even more stridently in Europe -- calling for a need to restore fiscal discipline.


  • 2. They were stridently anti-nuclear: the monster emerged after an atomic explosion.


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