strain 英 [streɪn]   美 [stren]


strain  英 [streɪn] 美 [stren]

n. 张力;拉紧;负担;扭伤;血缘  vi. 拉紧;尽力  vt. 拉紧;滥用;滤去;竭力 

进行时:straining  过去式:strained  过去分词:strained  第三人称单数:strains  名词复数:strains 

Whatever might have caused some muscle strain, it could be the source of your back pain. 不管怎样都有可能导致某些肌肉的紧张,它可能是背痛的原因。
If you go on living, you do so only through your capacity for objectification, your ability to free yourself, in writing, from the infinite strain. 如果你还要继续活下去,你只有通过自身客体化的能力,你能用写作从无限的拉力中解放你自己。

  • The noun strain is a stretch, effort, or exertion. You can strain your ankle, or your little brother can strain your patience.
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  • n. 张力;拉紧;负担;扭伤;血缘
  • vi. 拉紧;尽力
  • vt. 拉紧;滥用;滤去;竭力
  • n. (Strain)人名;(英)斯特兰
  • n. (植物、动物的)品种;种类
  • 1. Whatever might have caused some muscle strain, it could be the source of your back pain.


  • 2. If you go on living, you do so only through your capacity for objectification, your ability to free yourself, in writing, from the infinite strain.


  • 3. And so it began to pile up until one day I collapsed from the strain of it, becoming an empty shell, a parody of who I used to be.


  • strain (n.1) "injury caused by straining," c. 1400, from strain (v.). The meaning "passage of music" (1570s) probably developed from a verbal sense of "to tighten" the voice, which originally was used in reference to the strings of a musical instrument (late 14c.).
  • strain (n.2) "line of descent, lineage, breed, ancestry," c. 1200, from Old English strion, streon "a gain, acquisition, treasure; a begetting, procreation," from Proto-Germanic *streu-nam- "to pile up," from PIE *streu-, extended form of root *stere- "to spread."
  • strain (v.) c. 1300, "tie, bind, fasten, gird," from present participle stem of Old French estreindre "bind tightly, clasp, squeeze," from Latin stringere (2) "draw tight, bind tight, compress, press together," from PIE root *streig- "to stroke, rub, press" (source also of Lithuanian strėgti "congeal, freeze, become stiff;" Greek strangein "twist;" Old High German strician "mends nets;" Old English streccian "to stretch;" German stramm, Dutch stram "stiff").
strain / streɪn ; NAmE streɪn / noun , verb strain strains strained straining noun worry/anxiety 担忧;焦虑 1 [uncountable ,  countable ] pressure on sb/sth because they have too much to do or manage, or sth very difficult to deal with; the problems, worry or anxiety that this produces 压力;重负;重压之下出现的问题(或担忧等) Their marriage is under great strainat the moment. 眼下他们的婚姻关系非常紧张。 These repayments are putting a strain onour finances. 偿还这些债务对我们的财务状况形成了压力。 Relax, and let us take the strain (= do things for you). 你歇一下,我们来顶一会儿。 The transport service cannot cope with the strain of so many additional passengers. 运输部门无法应对临时增加这么多乘客所带来的紧张局面。 You will learn to cope with the stresses and strainsof public life. 你要学会怎样应付公众人物生活的紧张和辛劳。 I found it a strain having to concentrate for so long. 我觉得这么长时间全神贯注挺累的。 synonyms at pressure physical pressure 物理压力 2 [uncountable ,  countable ] the pressure that is put on sth when a physical force stretches, pushes, or pulls it 压力;拉力;张力;应力 The rope broke under the strain. 绳子给拉断了。 You should try not to place too much strain on muscles and joints. 你要尽量不让肌肉和关节太吃力。 The ground here cannot take the strainof a large building. 这块地承受不住大型建筑的压力。 The cable has a 140kg breaking strain (= it will break when it is stretched or pulled by a force greater than this). 这种缆索的断裂应变力为 140 公斤。 injury 损伤 3 [countable ,  uncountable ] an injury to a part of your body, such as a muscle, that is caused by using it too much or by twisting it 劳损;拉伤;扭伤 a calf/groin/leg strain 腿肚子╱腹股沟╱腿部拉伤 muscle strain 肌肉劳损 type of plant/animal/disease 动植物╱疾病种类 4 [countable ] a particular type of plant or animal, or of a disease caused by bacteria, etc. (动、植物的)系,品系,品种;(疾病的)类型 a new strain of mosquitoes resistant to the poison 对这种毒药有抗药性的新品种蚊子 This is only one of the many strains of the disease. 这种病有许多类型,这只是其中之一。 in sb's character 性格 5 [countable ,  usually singular ] a particular tendency in the character of a person or group, or a quality in their manner 个性特点;性格倾向;禀性 SYN streak He had a definite strain of snobbery in him. 他这个人明显有一股势利小人的气味。 of music 音乐 6 [countable ,  usually plural ] ( formal) the sound of music being played or sung 乐曲;曲调;旋律 She could hear the strains of Mozart through the window. 她听见从窗户飘出的莫扎特的旋律。 verb injure 损伤 1 [transitive ] strainsth/yourself to injure yourself or part of your body by making it work too hard 损伤;拉伤;扭伤 to strain a muscle 拉伤肌肉 synonyms at injure collocationsat injury make effort 尽力 2 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to make an effort to do sth, using all your mental or physical strength 尽力;竭力;使劲 strainsth to do sth I strained my ears (= listened very hard)to catch what they were saying. 我竖起耳朵去听他们在说些什么。 strainsth Necks were strained for a glimpse of the stranger. 大家伸长了脖子想看一看这个陌生人。 strainto do sth People were straining to see what was going on. 人们翘首企足看发生了什么事。 strain(sth) (for sth) He burst to the surface, straining for air. 他冲出水面,使劲吸气。 Bend gently to the left without straining. 轻轻向左弯,不要用力。 stretch to limit 使达到极限 3 [transitive ] strainsth to try to make sth do more than it is able to do 过度使用;使不堪承受 The sudden influx of visitors is straining hotels in the town to the limit. 游客突然涌入,城里的旅馆全都爆满。 His constant complaints were straining our patience. 他没完没了的抱怨让我们忍无可忍。 The dispute has strained relations between the two countries (= made them difficult). 这场争端使两国关系紧张起来。 push/pull hard 用力推╱拉 4 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to push hard against sth; to pull hard on sth 用力推(或拉);拉紧 She strained against the ropes that held her. 她使劲挣了挣拴着她的绳子。 The dogs were straining at the leash,eager to get to the park. 几条狗用力拽着皮带,急于要去公园。 separate solid from liquid 过滤 5 [transitive ] to pour food, etc. through sth with very small holes in it, for example a sieve,in order to separate the solid part from the liquid part 滤;过滤 strainsth Use a colander to strain the vegetables. 把蔬菜放在漏筐里控控水。 strainsth off Strain off any excess liquid. 滤掉多余的液体。 IDIOMS strain at the ˈleash ( informal) to want to do sth very much 急于;迫不及待 Like all youngsters, he's straining at the leash to leave home. 跟所有年轻人一样,他也急于离家生活。 strain every ˈnerve/ˈsinew (to do sth) ( formal) to try as hard as you can to do sth 竭尽全力(做某事) more at creak v. strain / streɪn ; NAmE streɪn /
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