straggler 美['stræɡlɚ]  


straggler  美['stræɡlɚ]

n. 流浪者;落伍的士兵;离群的动物;[植] 蔓生的枝叶 


But there's still no direct evidence that shows exactly how an individual blue straggler was formed. 但是,仍然没有直接证据能够确切地说明一颗特定的蓝离散星是如何形成的。
It would be bluer than it should be and would be of a type known to astronomers as a “blue straggler”. 但是,它会比它本来的颜色看起来更蓝一些并且可以被天文学家作为一颗“蓝离散星”所发觉。

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  • n. 流浪者;落伍的士兵;离群的动物;[植] 蔓生的枝叶
  • 1. But there's still no direct evidence that shows exactly how an individual blue straggler was formed.


  • 2. It would be bluer than it should be and would be of a type known to astronomers as a “blue straggler”.


  • 3. He is a fellow straggler in.


  • straggler (n.) 1520s, agent noun from straggle (v.).
strag·gler / ˈstræɡlə(r) ; NAmE ˈstræɡlər / noun [usually plural ] a person or an animal that is among the last or the slowest in a group to do sth, for example, to finish a race or leave a place 掉队者;落在最后的人(或动物) straggler stragglers strag·gler / ˈstræɡlə(r) ; NAmE ˈstræɡlər /
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