- If your little brother begs you to tell him a story, he wants to hear a short, entertaining tale.
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- n. 故事;
1. a story about time travel
2. Shall I tell you a story?
3. He read the children a story.
4. a bedtime story
5. The police didn't believe her story.
6. She knew the child had been telling stories again.
- story (n.1) "connected account or narration of some happening," c. 1200, originally "narrative of important events or celebrated persons of the past," from Old French estorie, estoire "story, chronicle, history," from Late Latin storia, shortened from Latin historia "history, account, tale, story" (see history).
- story (n.2) "floor of a building," c. 1400, from Anglo-Latin historia "floor of a building" (c. 1200), also "picture," from Latin historia (see history). "Perhaps so called because the front of buildings in the Middle Ages often were decorated with rows of painted windows" [Barnhart].
story ★ / ˈstɔːri ; NAmE ˈstɔːri / noun ( plural stories ) 1 ★ story(about/of sth/sb) a description of events and people that the writer or speaker has invented in order to entertain people (虚构的)故事;小说 ◆ adventure/detective/love, etc. stories 历险、侦探、爱情等小说 ◆ a story about time travel 一部关于穿越时间旅行的小说 ◆ Shall I tell you a story? 我给你讲个故事好吗? ◆ He readthe children a story. 他给孩子们读了一则故事。 ◆ a bedtime story 临睡前给小孩讲的故事 ☞ collocationsat literature ☞see also fairy story at fairy tale , ghost story , short story 2 ★ story(about/of sth/sb) an account, often spoken, of what happened to sb or of how sth happened (真实情况的)叙述,描述 ◆ It was many years before the full storywas made public. 许多年之后,事情的全貌才公之于众。 ◆ The police didn't believe her story. 警方不相信她对事情的描述。 ◆ We must stick to our story about the accident. 对事故的说法我们必须一口咬定,再不改口。 ◆ I can't decide until I've heard both sides of the story. 双方的说法都听了以后我才能作决定。 ◆ It's a story of courage. 这件事真体现了勇气。 ◆ Many years later I returned to Africa but that's another story (= I am not going to talk about it now). 多年以后我又重返非洲,不过这是后话了。 ☞see also cock and bull story , hard-luck story , life story , shaggy-dog story , sob story , success story , tall story ☞synonyms at report 3 ★ an account of past events or of how sth has developed 对往事的叙述 ◆ He told us the story of his life. 他对我们讲述了他的生活经历。 ◆ the story of the Beatles 披头士乐队的传奇故事 ◆ the story of the building of the bridge 这座桥的建筑始末 4 ★ a report in a newspaper, magazine or news broadcast 新闻报道 ◆ a front-page story 头版报道 ◆ Now for a summary of tonight's main news stories. 现在是今晚主要新闻综述。 ☞see also cover story , lead story 5 ★ ( also story·line ) the series of events in a book, film/movie, play, etc. (书籍、电影、戏剧等的)情节 SYN plot ◆ Her novels always have the same basic story. 她的小说基本情节都一样。 6 ( informal) something that sb says which is not true 谎言;假话 ◆ She knew the child had been telling storiesagain. 她知道这孩子又在说谎了。 7 ( NAmE) = storey IDIOMS the story goes (that)… | so the story goes used to describe sth that people are saying although it may not be correct 据说;传闻;谣传 ◆ She never saw him again—or so the story goes. 从此她再没有见过他,或者据说如此。 that's the ˌstory of my ˈlife ( informal) when you say that's the story of my lifeabout an unfortunate experience you have had, you mean you have had many similar experiences 我就是这个命(表示一生中有很多类似的不幸经历) ☞more at likely adj. , long adj. , old , pitch v. , tell story stories story / ˈstɔːri ; NAmE ˈstɔːri /
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