stoically ['stəuikli]  


stoically  ['stəuikli]

adv. 坚忍地;恬淡寡欲地 

Could China weather the subsequent financial turmoil as stoically as Japan? 中国在经历如此的金融风暴后会像日本一样的坚忍么?
The chances of free dialysis away from Tongzhou, some of them stoically accept , are zero. 免费的透析治疗远不在通州,这是他们中一些人完全不能接受的(?)

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  • adv. 坚忍地;恬淡寡欲地
  • 1. Could China weather the subsequent financial turmoil as stoically as Japan?


  • 2. The chances of free dialysis away from Tongzhou, some of them stoically accept , are zero.


  • 3. This was no grim duty to which I stoically resigned, however.


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