stinginess 英 ['stɪndʒɪnəs]   美 ['stɪndʒɪnəs]


stinginess  英 ['stɪndʒɪnəs] 美 ['stɪndʒɪnəs]

n. 吝啬 


So how are all our basic needs and behaviors—hunger and gluttony and frugality and charity and stinginess—connected in the brain? 我们基本的需求和行为在大脑中是如何联结的:饥饿、暴食、节俭、慈善、吝啬。
Yet they haven’t been able to do that even in Texas, which is willing both to impose great pain (by its stinginess on health care) and to shortchange the future (by neglecting education). 他们连在承受了巨大痛苦(表现在健保上的吝啬)和自断后路(表现在低教育支出)的德州都未能做到,又该怎样去推行到全国呢?

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  • n. 吝啬
  • 1. So how are all our basic needs and behaviors—hunger and gluttony and frugality and charity and stinginess—connected in the brain?


  • 2. Yet they haven’t been able to do that even in Texas, which is willing both to impose great pain (by its stinginess on health care) and to shortchange the future (by neglecting education).


  • 3. In many parts South of the border, the elbow is linked to stinginess. For extra emphasis, you can bang your elbow on the table.


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