


adj. 加强的  v. 使硬化;使僵直;使猛烈(stiffen的过去分词) 

As in neighbouring Georgia, the penalties for employers who hire undocumented workers will be stiffened. 与临州佐治亚类似,新法将加强对雇佣未注册工人的雇主惩罚。
I also committed to signing a version of the Helms-Burton bill, which stiffened the embargo against Cuba and restricted the President’s authority to lift it without congressional approval. 我还承诺将签署赫尔姆斯-伯顿法案的一个版本,这个版本加强了对古巴的禁运,限制了总统解除禁运的权力,未经国会同意,总统不能这么做。

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  • adj. 加强的
  • v. 使硬化;使僵直;使猛烈(stiffen的过去分词)
  • 1. As in neighbouring Georgia, the penalties for employers who hire undocumented workers will be stiffened.


  • 2. I also committed to signing a version of the Helms-Burton bill, which stiffened the embargo against Cuba and restricted the President’s authority to lift it without congressional approval.


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