stenographer 英 [stə'nɒɡrəfə]   美 [stə'nɑɡrəfɚ]


stenographer  英 [stə'nɒɡrəfə] 美 [stə'nɑɡrəfɚ]

n. 速记员 


After decades of aborted attempts at an autobiography, Twain had decided by early 1904 to dictate his recollections to a stenographer. 几十年试图自己撰写自传失败,终于,在1904年初,吐温决定向速记员口述回忆录。
Asa teenager, she had a series of low paying jobs as a waitress, stenographer, and bookkeeper, working at one point as an assistant to future Canadian PrimeMinister R. B. Bennett. 她还未成年时,就做过了一系列报酬很低的工作,比如女侍者,速记员,簿记员,还一度做过将来会成为加拿大首相的本内特的助理。

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  • n. 速记员
  • 1. After decades of aborted attempts at an autobiography, Twain had decided by early 1904 to dictate his recollections to a stenographer.


  • 2. Asa teenager, she had a series of low paying jobs as a waitress, stenographer, and bookkeeper, working at one point as an assistant to future Canadian PrimeMinister R. B. Bennett.


  • 3. And then in 1906, in the ultimate irony for a man renowned for his writing, he abandoned the pen for the spoken word, dictating his thoughts, memories and observations to a stenographer.


  • stenographer (n.) 1796, agent noun formation from stenography.
sten·og·raph·er / stəˈnɒɡrəfə(r) ; NAmE stəˈnɑːɡrəfər / ( also informal steno ) noun ( especially NAmE) a person whose job is to write down what sb else says, using a quick system of signs or abbreviations 速记员 stenographer stenographers sten·og·raph·er / stəˈnɒɡrəfə(r) ; NAmE stəˈnɑːɡrəfər /
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