stay up late  

stay up late

stay up late 

phrase. 熬夜;睡得很晚 

Doctors suggest that people should not stay up late even on holidays. 医生建议,即使在节假日人们也不应该熬夜。
I can stay up late, never drink water, eat whatever I want and slack off on exercise and still be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend you ever saw. 我能熬夜,不喝酒,吃任何我想吃的,甚至在健身的时候偷懒,但是我仍能够做好每个角色:例如,妻子,母亲,女儿,姐妹,朋友,以及其他。

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  • phrase. 熬夜;睡得很晚
  • 1. Doctors suggest that people should not stay up late even on holidays.


  • 2. I can stay up late, never drink water, eat whatever I want and slack off on exercise and still be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend you ever saw.


  • 3. Researchers have verified the pattern that most parents have observed: sleep patterns change at puberty, and kids can’t seem to get out of bed in the morning. But they still stay up late at night.


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