statement 英 [ˈsteɪtmənt]   美 [ ˈstetmənt]


statement  英 [ˈsteɪtmənt] 美 [ ˈstetmənt]

n. 声明;陈述;报表,清单 


Your statement is misleading. 你的表述令人误解。
Is that a statement or a question? 这是在表态呢,还是提出问题呢?

  • A statement is a sentence that says something is true, like "Pizza is delicious." There are other kinds of statements in the worlds of the law, banking, and government.
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  • n. 声明;陈述;报表,清单
  • 1. Your statement is misleading.


  • 2. Is that a statement or a question?


  • 3. a formal statement, an official statement


  • 4. A government spokesperson made a statement to the press.


  • 5. My bank sends me monthly statements.


  • 6. a statement of special educational needs


  • 7. When writing instructions, clarity of statement is the most important thing.


  • 8. The way you dress makes a statement about you.


  • statement (n.) 1775, "what is stated," from state (v.) + -ment. From 1789 as "action of stating;" 1885 in the commercial sense "document displaying debits and credits."
state·ment / ˈsteɪtmənt ; NAmE ˈsteɪtmənt / noun , verb statement statements statemented statementing noun 1 [countable ] something that you say or write that gives information or an opinion 说明;说法;表白;表态 Are the following statements true or false? 下面的说法对不对? Your statement is misleading. 你的表述令人误解。 Is that a statement or a question? 这是在表态呢,还是提出问题呢? The play makes a strong political statement. 这出戏表明一种鲜明的政治立场。 see also fashion statement 2 [countable ] statement(on/about sth) a formal or official account of facts or opinions 声明;陈述;报告 SYN declaration a formal/ a public/a written/an official statement 正式╱公开╱书面╱官方声明 A government spokesperson made a statementto the press. 政府发言人向新闻界发表了一份声明。 The prime minister is expected to issue a statementon the policy change this afternoon. 人们预计首相将在今天下午就政策的改变发表声明。 The police asked me to make a statement (= a written account of facts concerning a crime, used in court if legal action follows). 警方要求我写一份供述。 3 [countable ] a printed record of money paid, received, etc. 结算单;清单;报表 The directors are responsible for preparing the company's financial statements. 几位董事负责填写公司的财务报表。 My bank sends me monthly statements. 银行按月给我寄来结算单。 see also bank statement 4 [countable ] (in England and Wales 英格兰和威尔士 ) an official report on a child's special needs made by a local education authority (地方教育主管部门针对儿童的特殊需要做出的)评估报告 a statement of special educational needs 特殊教育需要评估报告 5 [uncountable ] ( formal) the act of stating or expressing sth in words (文字)陈述,表述 SYN expression When writing instructions, clarity of statement is the most important thing. 编写操作说明时,表述清晰明白至为重要。 IDIOM ˌmake a ˈstatement to express or reveal an opinion or characteristic in a very clear way, although often without words 表明(意见或个性,但通常不是用语言) The cleaning staff extended their strike mainly to make a statement about how determined they were. 清洁工人延长了罢工时间,主要目的是表明他们的决心。 The way you dress makes a statement about you. 你的衣着表明了你的性格。 verb [often passive ] statementsb (in England and Wales 英格兰和威尔士 ) to officially decide and report that a child has special needs for his or her education 对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定 statemented children 评估认定须接受特殊教育的学童 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 statement comment announcement remark declaration observation These are all words for sth that you say or write, especially sth that gives information or an opinion. 以上各词均指口头或书面的说明、宣布。 statement something that you say or write that gives information or an opinion, often in a formal way 通常指正式的说明、声明、陈述、报告: A government spokesperson made a statement to the press. 政府发言人向新闻界发表了一份声明。 comment something that you say or write that gives an opinion on sth or is a response to a question about a particular situation 指议论、评论、意见: She made helpful comments on my work. 她对我的工作提出了有益的意见。 announcement a spoken or written statement that informs people about sth 指公告、布告、通告: the announcement of a peace agreement 和平协议公告 remark something that you say or write that gives an opinion or thought about sb/sth 指谈论、言论、评述: He made a number of rude remarks about the food. 他对这食物作了许多无礼的评论。 declaration ( rather formal) an official or formal statement, especially one that states an intention, belief or feeling, or that gives information 指官方或正式的公告、宣告、宣言、声明: the declaration of war 宣战 observation ( rather formal) a comment, especially one based on sth you have seen, heard or read 尤指根据所见、所闻、所读而作的评论: He began by making a few general observations about the report. 开头他先对这个报告作了几点概括性的评论。 comment, remark or observation? 用 comment、remark 还是 observation? A commentcan be official or private. A remarkcan be made in public or private but is always unofficial and the speaker may not have considered it carefully. An observationis unofficial but is usually more considered than a remark. *comment 既可是官方的也可是私下的; remark 既可是公开的也可是私下的,但总是非官方的,说话者可能未经深思熟虑; observation 是非官方的,但通常较 remark 多几分考虑。 PATTERNS a(n) statement/comment/announcement/remark/declaration/observation aboutsth a(n) statement/comment/observation onsth a(n) public / public statement/comment/announcement/declaration to makea(n) statement/comment/announcement/remark/declaration/observation to issuea(n) statement/announcement/declaration state·ment / ˈsteɪtmənt ; NAmE ˈsteɪtmənt /
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