staffing [ˈstɑ:fiŋ]  


staffing  [ˈstɑ:fiŋ]

n. 安置职工 


Add the user or group (if not existed) specified in the staffing settings, either from portal or LDAP server. 从门户或 LDAP 服务器添加人员分配设置中指定的用户或组(如不存在)。
If program staffing includes a program manager and several project managers, what is the role and authority of each? 如果规划参与人员包括一个规划经理和一些项目经理,他们各自的角色和权威是什么?

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  • n. 安置职工
  • 1. Add the user or group (if not existed) specified in the staffing settings, either from portal or LDAP server.

    从门户或 LDAP 服务器添加人员分配设置中指定的用户或组(如不存在)。

  • 2. If program staffing includes a program manager and several project managers, what is the role and authority of each?


  • 3. Some firms are very strong in some areas, such as staffing and skills, but lack a common set of shared values and a coherent strategy-development function.


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