sputter 英 ['spʌtə]   美 ['spʌtɚ]


sputter  英 ['spʌtə] 美 ['spʌtɚ]

vi. 发劈啪声;唾沫飞溅;结结巴巴地讲  vt. 气急败坏地说;飞溅出;喷出  n. 劈啪声;喷溅声;急切的言语 

进行时:sputtering  过去式:sputtered  过去分词:sputtered  第三人称单数:sputters  名词复数:sputters 

If the West continues to sputter, what happens when Asia’s fiscal stimulus and restocking fade? 假如西方世界继续唾沫飞溅地发表评论,而当亚洲的财政刺激影响减弱,囤货变少,将会发生什么事?
Let their cars sputter for a moment on the freeway and they waste no time heading for the repair shop. 他们宁愿让车子的马达在高速公路上不断发出劈啪声,也不愿浪费丝毫的时间开往修车铺进行维修。

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  • vi. 发劈啪声;唾沫飞溅;结结巴巴地讲
  • vt. 气急败坏地说;飞溅出;喷出
  • n. 劈啪声;喷溅声;急切的言语
  • 1. If the West continues to sputter, what happens when Asia’s fiscal stimulus and restocking fade?


  • 2. Let their cars sputter for a moment on the freeway and they waste no time heading for the repair shop.


  • 3. The almighty American consumer was the engine of global growth, but it will most likely continue to sputter even after the banks are repaired.


  • sputter (v.) 1590s, "to spit with explosive sounds," cognate with Dutch sputteren, West Frisian sputterje, from Proto-Germanic *sput- (see spout (v.)). Related: Sputtered; sputtering. The noun is attested from 1670s.
sput·ter / ˈspʌtə(r) ; NAmE ˈspʌtər / verb 1 [intransitive ] if an engine, a lamp or a fire sputters,it makes a series of short explosivesounds (引擎、灯或火)发劈啪声 SYN splutter sputtering fireworks 劈啪作响的烟火 2 [transitive ] + speech | sputtersth to speak quickly and with difficulty, making soft spittingsounds, because you are angry or shocked 气急败坏地说;急促而语无伦次地说 SYN splutter ‘W-What?’ sputtered Anna. “什…什么?”安娜气急败坏地说。 sputter sputters sputtered sputtering sput·ter / ˈspʌtə(r) ; NAmE ˈspʌtər /
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