spread 英 [spred]   美 [sprɛd]


spread  英 [spred] 美 [sprɛd]

v 伸开; 展开; 散开;  n. 范围;  

进行时:spreading  过去式:spread  过去分词:spread  第三人称单数:spreads  名词复数:spreads 

to spread a cloth on a table 在桌上铺桌布
spread the map out on the floor. 苏在地板上摊开地图。

  • When something is spread, it's stretched or extended as far as it can go. It's a beautiful sight to see a bald eagle spread its wings and fly.
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  • v 伸开; 展开; 散开;
  • n. 范围;
  • 1. to spread a cloth on a table


  • 2. spread the map out on the floor.


  • 3. The bird spread its wings.


  • 4. The disease spreads easily.


  • 5. Water began to spread across the floor.


  • 6. to spread butter on pieces of toast


  • 7. to prevent the spread of disease


  • 8. a vast spread of water


  • spread (n.) 1620s, "act of spreading;" 1690s, "extent or expanse of something," from spread (v.). Meaning "copious meal" dates from 1822; sense of "food for spreading" (butter, jam, etc.) is from 1812. Sense of "bed cover" is recorded from 1848, originally American English. Meaning "degree of variation" is attested from 1929. Meaning "ranch for raising cattle" is attested from 1927.
  • spread (v.) c. 1200, "to stretch out, to lay out; diffuse, disseminate" (transitive), also "to advance over a wide area" (intransitive); probably from Old English sprædan "to spread, stretch forth, extend" (especially in tosprædan "to spread out," and gesprædung "spreading"), from Proto-Germanic *spreit- (source also of Danish sprede, Old Swedish spreda, Middle Dutch spreiden, Old High German and German spreiten "to spread"), extended form of PIE root *sper- (4) "to strew" (see sprout (v.)). Reflexive sense of "to be outspread" is from c. 1300; that of "to extend, expand" is attested from mid-14c. Transitive sense of "make (something) wide" is from late 14c. As an adjective from 1510s. Related: Spreading.
spread / spred ; NAmE spred / verb , noun spread spreads spreading verb ( spread , spread ) open/arrange 展开;铺开 1 [transitive ] spreadsth (out) (on/over sth) to open sth that has been folded so that it covers a larger area than before 展开;打开 to spread a cloth on a table 在桌上铺桌布 Sue spread the map out on the floor. 苏在地板上摊开地图。 The bird spread its wings. 鸟展开翅膀。 2 [transitive ] spreadsth (out) (on/over sth) to arrange objects so that they cover a large area and can be seen easily 摊开;使散开 Papers had been spread out on the desk. 各种报纸摊在书桌上。 arms/legs 双臂;双腿 3 [transitive ] spreadsth (out) to move your arms, legs, fingers, etc. far apart from each other 张开;伸开 She spread her arms and the child ran towards her. 她张开双臂,孩子向她跑来。 among people 在人们中间 4 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to affect or make sth affect, be known by, or used by more and more people 传播;散布;(使)流传 (+ adv./prep.) The disease spreads easily. 这种疾病容易传播。 Within weeks, his confidence had spread throughout the team. 短短几个星期,他的信心感染了全体队员。 Use of computers spread rapidlyduring that period. 在那个时期,计算机的应用迅速普及开来。 spreadsth to spread rumours/liesabout sb 散布关于某人的谣言╱谎言 The disease is spread by mosquitoes. 这种疾病通过蚊子传播。 cover large area 覆盖大面积 5 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to cover, or to make sth cover, a larger and larger area (使)蔓延,扩散,散开 (+ adv./prep.) The fire rapidly spread to adjoining buildings. 大火迅速蔓延到了邻近的建筑物。 Water began to spread across the floor. 水开始漫过地板。 A smile spread slowly across her face. 微笑慢慢在她脸上绽开。 spreadsth Using too much water could spread the stain. 用水太多可能使污迹扩散。 6 [transitive ] spreadsb/sth to cause sb/sth to be in a number of different places 使分散;使分布 Seeds and pollen are spread by the wind. 种子和花粉是随风传播的。 We have 10 000 members spread all over the country. 我们有 1 万名成员分布在全国各地。 7 [intransitive ] spread(out) + adv./prep. to cover a large area 延伸;伸展;扩张 The valley spread out beneath us. 山谷在我们下方延伸。 soft layer 稀软的层面 8 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to put a layer of a substance onto the surface of sth; to be able to be put onto a surface 涂;敷 spread(A on/over B) to spread butter on pieces of toast 在烤面包片上抹黄油 spread(B with A) pieces of toast spread with butter 抹了黄油的烤面包片 If the paint is too thick, it will not spread evenly. 油漆如果太稠就涂不均匀。 divide/share 划分;分摊 9 [transitive ] to separate sth into parts and divide them between different times or different people 分(若干次)进行;由(若干人)分摊 spreadsth Why not pay monthly and spread the cost of your car insurance? 你为什么不把汽车保险费按月分期支付呢? spreadsth (out) (over sth) A series of five interviews will be spread over two days. 一共五次面谈,分两天进行。 spreadsth between sb/sth We attempted to spread the workload between the departments. 我们试图把工作分摊给各部门。 IDIOMS spread like ˈwildfire (of news, etc. 消息等 ) to become known by more and more people very quickly 像野火般蔓延;迅速传开 spread your ˈnet to consider a wide range of possibilities or cover a large area, especially to try to find sb/sth 考虑到多种可能;大面积地排查;撒开网(寻找) They have spread their net far and wide in the search for a new team coach. 他们撒开网四处物色新的球队教练。 spread your ˈwings to become more independent and confident and try new activities, etc. 展翅高飞(更自信地尝试新事物) spread the ˈword to tell people about sth 散布消息 spread yourself too ˈthin to try to do so many different things at the same time that you do not do any of them well 样样都抓哪样都抓不好 PHRASAL VERB ˌspread ˈout | ˌspread yourself ˈout 1 to stretch your body or arrange your things over a large area 伸展身体;摊开东西 There's more room to spread out in first class. 头等舱宽敞些,伸得开腿。 Do you have to spread yourself out all over the sofa? 你就非得躺下,把整个大沙发全占了才行吗? 2 to separate from other people in a group, to cover a larger area 散开 The searchers spread out to cover the area faster. 搜索人员分散开来,好更快地搜索这一地区。 noun increase 扩大 1 [uncountable ] an increase in the amount or number of sth that there is, or in the area that is affected by sth 传播;散布;扩展;蔓延 to prevent the spread of disease 防止疾病的传播 to encourage the spread of information 促进信息的传播 the spread of a city into the surrounding areas 城市向周边地区的扩展 see also middle-age spread range/variety 广泛;多样 2 [countable ,  usually singular ] a range or variety of people or things 广泛;多样 a broad spreadof opinions 各种各样的意见 on bread 面包 3 [countable ,  uncountable ] a soft food that you put on bread 抹在面包上的东西 Use a low-fat spread instead of butter. 不要抹黄油,抹点低脂肪的东西吧。 cheese spread 奶酪酱 area covered 所占区域 4 [countable ,  usually singular ] spread(of sth) the area that sth exists in or happens in 涉及区域;活动范围 The company has a good geographical spread of hotels in this country. 该公司在这个国家开设的饭店地理分布相当广。 5 [countable ,  usually singular ] spread(of sth) how wide sth is or the area that sth covers 宽度;面积;翼展 The bird's wings have a spread of nearly a metre. 这只鸟翼展近一米。 in newspaper/magazine 报刊 6 [countable ] an article or advertisement in a newspaper or magazine, especially one that covers two opposite pages (尤指横贯两版的)文章,广告 The story continued with a double-page spreadon the inside pages. 这篇报道在报纸的内页有横贯两版的后续部份。 see also centre spread meal 餐食 7 [countable ] ( informal) a large meal, especially one that is prepared for a special occasion 丰盛的餐食 They had laid on a huge spread for the party. 他们为聚会安排了丰盛的食物。 of land/water 陆地;水域 8 [countable ,  usually singular ] spread(of sth) ( NAmE) an area of land or water 区域;一大片 a vast spread of water 浩瀚的水域 They have a huge spread in California (= a large farm or ranch). 他们在加利福尼亚拥有大片的土地。 finance 金融 9 [uncountable ] the difference between two rates or prices (两种价格或比率的)差额,差幅 on bed 10 [countable ] ( NAmE) = bedspread spread / spred ; NAmE spred /
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