sportswriter 英 ['spɔːts,raɪtə]  


sportswriter  英 ['spɔːts,raɪtə]

n. 体育专栏作家;体育新闻记者 


Guldahl was now the top golfer in the world and, one sportswriter declared, "the new synonym for consistency in American golf". 一个体育记者宣称,古德赫现在是世界顶级的高尔夫选手,是“美国高尔夫运动的稳定性的新代名词” 。
Like many anxious bachelors, Yang Xuning, 29, a sportswriter from Beijing, said much of the pressure comes from parents who feel taunted by the wealth around them. 如同许多单身汉一样,29岁的北京体育记者杨旭宁表示大部分压力都来自于父母,他们总被周围天花乱坠的财富比拼弄得神经兮兮。

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  • n. 体育专栏作家;体育新闻记者
  • 1. Guldahl was now the top golfer in the world and, one sportswriter declared, "the new synonym for consistency in American golf".

    一个体育记者宣称,古德赫现在是世界顶级的高尔夫选手,是“美国高尔夫运动的稳定性的新代名词” 。

  • 2. Like many anxious bachelors, Yang Xuning, 29, a sportswriter from Beijing, said much of the pressure comes from parents who feel taunted by the wealth around them.


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