speechwriter ['spitʃ,raitə]  


speechwriter  ['spitʃ,raitə]

n. 演讲稿撰写人 


And if you came up with more than one, you’re probably either a former presidential speechwriter or a historian. 如果你能说出不止一个,你很可能是一位前总统演讲撰稿人或者历史学家。
The new creed has notably raised the stock of Henri Guaino, Mr Sarkozy’s speechwriter and a long-standing advocate of state intervention. 新信条让亨利·古埃诺明显底气十足,此人是萨科奇先生的讲稿撰写人,也是国家干预的长期倡导者。

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  • n. 演讲稿撰写人
  • 1. And if you came up with more than one, you’re probably either a former presidential speechwriter or a historian.


  • 2. The new creed has notably raised the stock of Henri Guaino, Mr Sarkozy’s speechwriter and a long-standing advocate of state intervention.


  • 3. Tommy Vietor, a National Security Council spokesman, and the speechwriter Jon Favreau are competitive, and Mr. McClellan sometimes pits them against Sam Kass, a young White House chef.


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