soundlessly ['saundlisli]  


soundlessly  ['saundlisli]

adv. 无声地;静悄悄地;完全静寂地 

I crept upstairs and tried to open the door soundlessly. 我蹑手蹑脚地上楼,悄无声息地打开门。
As I watched she turned,crept soundlessly from the room and was gone.“That’s always the way with Debbie,”Mrs.Ainsworth laughed.“She never stays more than ten minutes or so,then she’s off.” 就在我注视戴比的时候,它转过身,静悄悄地出了客厅走了。 “戴比总是这样,”安斯沃思太太笑道。

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  • adv. 无声地;静悄悄地;完全静寂地
  • 1. I crept upstairs and tried to open the door soundlessly.


  • 2. As I watched she turned,crept soundlessly from the room and was gone.“That’s always the way with Debbie,”Mrs.Ainsworth laughed.“She never stays more than ten minutes or so,then she’s off.”

    就在我注视戴比的时候,它转过身,静悄悄地出了客厅走了。 “戴比总是这样,”安斯沃思太太笑道。

  • 3. When she comes back to consciousness, she stares at the ceiling, then begins to move her lips soundlessly over and over again in the Jesus Prayer.


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