- The word some keeps it vague. When you have some time to kill, you've got an unspecified amount of time — it could be five minutes or five hours.
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- adj. 一些
- pron. 一些;若干;
1. Give me some water.
2. There must be some mistake.
3. You'll find some in the drawer.
4. Some thirty people attended the funeral.
- some (adj.) Old English sum "some, a, a certain one, something, a certain quantity; a certain number;" with numerals "out of" (as in sum feowra "one of four"); from Proto-Germanic *sumaz (source also of Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old High German sum, Old Norse sumr, Gothic sums), from PIE *smm-o-, suffixed form of root *sem- (1) "one; as one, together with." For substitution of -o- for -u-, see come.
some ★ determiner , pronoun , adverb determiner ★ / səm ; NAmE səm / / strong form sʌm strong form sʌm / 1 ★ used with uncountable nouns or plural countable nouns to mean ‘an amount of’ or ‘a number of’, when the amount or number is not given (与不可数名词或复数可数名词连用)一些,若干 ◆ There's still some wine in the bottle. 瓶子里还有些葡萄酒。 ◆ Have some more vegetables. 再吃点蔬菜吧。 HELP In negative sentences and questions anyis usually used instead of ‘some’. 在否定句和疑问句中,通常用 any,而不用 some ◆ I don't want any more vegetables. ◆ Is there any wine left? However, someis used in questions that expect a positive reply. 但在预料会得到肯定回答的疑问句中仍用 some ◆ Would you like some milk in your coffee? ◆ Didn't you borrow some books of mine? 2 ★ / sʌm ; NAmE sʌm / used to refer to certain members of a group or certain types of a thing, but not all of them (指群体中的某些成员或事物的某些类型)某些,部份,有的 ◆ Some people find this more difficult than others. 这件事有人觉得难,有人觉得不难。 ◆ I like some modern music (= but not all of it). 我喜欢某些现代音乐。 3 ★ / sʌm ; NAmE sʌm / a large number or amount of sth 好些;不少的;相当多的 ◆ It was with some surprise that I heard the news. 听到这个消息我吃惊不小。 ◆ We've known each other for some years now. 我们俩认识有些年头了。 ◆ We're going to be working together for some time (= a long time). 我们要在一起工作相当一段时间。 4 ★ / sʌm ; NAmE sʌm / a small amount or number of sth 少量的;不多的 ◆ There is some hope that things will improve. 情况好转还是有希望的。 5 ★ used with singular nouns to refer to a person, place, thing or time that is not known or not identified (与单数名词连用,表示未知或未确指的人、地、事物或时间)某个 ◆ There must be some mistake. 一定是出了什么差错。 ◆ He's in some kind oftrouble. 他遇到了什么麻烦。 ◆ She won a competition in somenewspaper or other. 她在某报举办的竞赛中得了奖。 ◆ I'll see you again some time, I'm sure. 我敢肯定,什么时候我们还会再见面的。 6 / sʌm ; NAmE sʌm / ( informal, sometimes ironic) used to express a positive or negative opinion about sb/sth (表达褒贬意见时用)真可谓,算不上 ◆ That was some party! 那才叫晚会! ◆ Some expert you are! You know even less than me. 你也算专家!你还不如我呢。 pronoun ★ / sʌm ; NAmE sʌm / some(of sb/sth) 1 ★ used to refer to an amount of sth or a number of people or things when the amount or number is not given (数量不确切时用)有些人,有些事物 ◆ Some disapprove of the idea. 有些人不赞成这个主意。 ◆ You'll find some in the drawer. 你会在抽屉里找到一些。 ◆ Here are some of our suggestions. 这是我们的一些建议。 HELP In negative sentences and questions anyis usually used instead of ‘some’. 在否定句和疑问句中,通常用 any,而不用 some ◆ I don't want any. ◆ Do you have any of the larger ones? However, someis used in questions that expect a positive reply. 但在预料会得到肯定回答的疑问句中仍用 some ◆ Would you like some? ◆ Weren't you looking for some of those? 2 ★ a part of the whole number or amount being considered 部份;有的;有些;若干 ◆ All these students are good, but some work harder than others. 这些学生全都不错,但有的很用功,有的没那么用功。 ◆ Some of the music was weird. 这音乐有些地方有点怪。 IDIOM … and ˈthen some ( informal) and a lot more than that 远不止这些;此外还有不少 ◆ We got our money's worth and then some. 我们不仅得了按价钱应得的,而且还饶上了不少。 adverb / sʌm ; NAmE sʌm / 1 used before numbers to mean ‘approximately’ (用于数词前,意同 approximately)大约,差不多 ◆ Some thirty people attended the funeral. 大约有三十人参加了葬礼。 2 ( NAmE) ( informal) to some degree 稍微;有点 ◆ He needs feeding up some. 他需要多吃些东西补一补。 ◆ ‘Are you finding the work any easier?’ ‘Some.’ “你是不是觉得工作顺手一些了?”“是顺手一些了。” some / səm ; NAmE səm /
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