solitaire 英 ['sɒlɪteə;,sɒlɪ'teə]   美 ['sɑlətɛr]


solitaire  英 ['sɒlɪteə;,sɒlɪ'teə] 美 ['sɑlətɛr]

n. 单粒宝石的饰物; 独居者; 单人玩的牌戏; 隐士 


solitaire: I think everyone knows what this free iPad app is about. 纸牌:我想不会有人不知道这款应用程序是干什么的。
Is it used in controlling a nuclear power plant or a game of solitaire? 它是用于控制一台核能设备还是一种单人纸牌游戏呢?

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  • n. 单粒宝石的饰物; 独居者; 单人玩的牌戏; 隐士
  • 1. solitaire: I think everyone knows what this free iPad app is about.


  • 2. Is it used in controlling a nuclear power plant or a game of solitaire?


  • 3. Find something that relaxes you — a game of solitaire, a puzzle, someone to talk to on the phone, a pet — and focus on it for an hour each day.

    做些能让自己放松的事情—单人纸牌游戏,字谜游戏,和人打打电话聊聊天。 养个宠物也不错,你每天就花一个小时来照顾它。

  • solitaire (n.) c. 1500, "widow;" 1716, "solitary person, recluse," from French solitaire, from Latin adjective solitarius "alone, lonely, isolated" (see solitary). Sense of "a precious stone set by itself" is from 1727. Meaning "card game played by one person" (usually involving bringing the shuffled cards into sequence) is first attested 1746.
soli·taire / ˌsɒlɪˈteə(r) ; NAmE ˈsɑːləter / noun 1 [uncountable ] ( BrE) a game for one person in which you remove pieces from their places on a special board after moving other pieces over them. The aim is to finish with only one piece left on the board. 单人跳棋 2 ( NAmE) ( BrE pa·tience ) [uncountable ] a card game for only one player 单人纸牌游戏 3 [countable ] a single precious stone;a piece of jewellery with a single precious stone in it 独粒宝石;独粒宝石首饰 solitaire solitaires soli·taire / ˌsɒlɪˈteə(r) ; NAmE ˈsɑːləter /
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